Hi Everyone, I have an "I want a pony" idea that I would like to kick onto the mailing list: It would be great if there was a way for sharing tool definitions between users. At the moment, the main repo is maintained by the galaxy team, and that is fine and makes sense. However, I'm sure there is a lot of duplicated work between the users when adding other tools in. For example, there was a conversation the other day about adding in awk. Someone had already done this, so the best idea would be if I could pull in that definition and enable it with minimum effort. I have already added tools (exonerate, restriction mapper, etc, etc) that may be of use to other people. Not sure the best way to go about this, but if my understanding of mercurial is right, we can simply offer another repo for people to pull changes from. If this is of interest to you, please can you reply? If we get enough interest and preferably some support of the core team, I could set up a free repo at, e.g., bitbucket and add users to it. Or perhaps there is a better way (eg patches submitted to trac)? Another question is what kind of tools would the core team accept for inclusion in the main dist? Cheers, James