Hi Jennifer,
I’m a post doc working with Brenda Oppert (she contacted you yesterday with some problems). I too have been having some problems getting visualizations to work. My goal is to show the Tribolium genome as a Circster plot with my RNA-seq data laid on top. My RNA-seq data is currently in .bam format. So far what I have a attempted to do is upload my .bam files into Galaxy using the Get Data, upload file from computer functions. Then I choose my file, check the ‘convert spaces to tabs’ box and set the genome to Tcas. It uploads correctly. Then I ask it to visualize as Circster and nothing happens… Then I tried viewing in trackster and nothing happens OR I get an error message saying one of my sequences isn’t in the genome file. Any suggestions to get the visualizations to work so that I have the Tcas chromosomes as the Circster backbone and my RNA-seq data showing around it?
Thank you!