- Support for Eucalyptus cloud middleware. Thanks to Alex Richter. Also, CloudMan can now run on the HPcloud in basic mode (note that there is no public image available on the HPcloud at the moment and one would thus need to be built by you).
- Added a new file system management interface on the CloudMan Admin page, allowing control and providing insight into each available file system
- Added quite a few new user data options. See the
UserData page for details. Thanks to John Chilton.
- Galaxy can now be run in multi-process mode. Thanks to John Chilton.
Added Galaxy Reports app as a CloudMan service. Thanks to John Chilton.
- Introduced a new format for cluster configuration persistence, allowing more flexibility in how services are maintained
- Added a new file system service for instance's transient storage, allowing it to be used across the cluster over NFS. The file system is available at /mnt/transient_nfs just know that any data stored there will not be preserved after a cluster is terminated.
- Support for Ubuntu 12.10
- Worker instances are now also SGE submit hosts