Re: [galaxy-user] problem with CAPRET Com&Uni function

Hi Haiyan (and thank you, Jennifer to have point out the problem). I guess you're talking about our CARPET tool (not CAPRET) at our Galaxy site ( I think the problem was due to a hardware failure that we experienced last week and I assume that now the issue is resolved, but if you have still any problem, please, feel free to contact me as soon as you need. HTH Lucilla
On 15/9/10 08:36:23 AM, Jennifer, Jackson wrote:
Hello -
Is does not seems that you are using galaxy main at
If you are still having problems, it would be best to contact the owner of the instance that you are using and/or the author of the tool wrapper. (Even if the tool/functionality came from the Tool Shed, the tool author would primary contact as these are community driven).
Hopefully this helps,
Jen Galaxy team
On 11/9/10 8:34 AM, Lei, Haiyan (NIH/NIDDK) [F] wrote:
Does anyone have problem with CAPRET Com&Uni function recently? I submit the jobs, but the status is always "running"? The website problem? Thanks.
Haiyan Lei, Ph.D. LMB,NIH/NIDDK Bld 5, Rm b1-04 BethesdaMD 20892 301-594-9864
participants (1)
Lucilla Luzi