I'm using the Galaxy Main --I was trying to groom data that I had uploaded at about 11 AM EST and Galaxy informed me that I had met my quota. Indeed it said that my quota was 98% full, but my history (my only one) said that I had about 13 Gb-- I deleted everything in my history in order to start fresh, but it still keeps saying my disk is 98% full every though my history has 0 bytes. At the moment, I have nothing in my history, but it is still saying my disk is 98% full. How do I reset the quota to 0 if not by deleting data?
Michael R. McGowen, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Research Fellow Molecular Evolution Laboratory Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics Wayne State University School of Medicine 3240 Scott Hall 540 E. Canfield St. Detroit, MI 48201 USA 313-577-0086 mmcgowen@med.wayne.edu http://homopan.wayne.edu/people/mmcgowen.html
Hello Michael,
Data will count towards the disk quota when not permanently deleted. Also, once permanently deleted, it will take a bit of time (less than an hour to several hours) for the disk counts in the UI to update. Perhaps this has already been resolved, but if not, hopefully the rest of the advice in this email will help.
For details about delete vs delete permanently (and remove from disk), please see: http://galaxyproject.org/wiki/Learn/Managing%20Datasets#Delete_vs_Delete_Per...
Some things to double check:
1 - Look under "Options -> Saved Histories" to view all histories. Click on "Advanced Search", then "status: all". Any histories with "status" active or deleted (in the far right column) may contain data that counts towards the disk quota. Histories with "status" permanently deleted do not contain any data that counts towards the disk quota. The actual disk usage is in the column "Size on Disk".
2 - Look under "Options -> Histories Shared with Me". Any history shared with you counts towards the disk quota. Copy any data needed and ask for the histories to be unshared.
3 - Check for hidden or deleted (but not permanently deleted) datasets in active histories. Links within each dataset box give the option to permanently delete, which removes them from the disk quota. To do this, from each history, use "Options -> Show Deleted Datasets" and then "Options -> Show Hidden Datasets" to view these.
Going through these checks should be quick and it is not uncommon to discover unexpected deleted (but not permanently deleted), hidden, or shared histories & data. If after checking you are still having problems, please let us know,
Jen Galaxy team
On 12/6/11 1:29 PM, Mcgowen, Michael wrote:
I'm using the Galaxy Main --I was trying to groom data that I had uploaded at about 11 AM EST and Galaxy informed me that I had met my quota. Indeed it said that my quota was 98% full, but my history (my only one) said that I had about 13 Gb-- I deleted everything in my history in order to start fresh, but it still keeps saying my disk is 98% full every though my history has 0 bytes. At the moment, I have nothing in my history, but it is still saying my disk is 98% full. How do I reset the quota to 0 if not by deleting data?
Michael R. McGowen, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Research Fellow Molecular Evolution Laboratory Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics Wayne State University School of Medicine 3240 Scott Hall 540 E. Canfield St. Detroit, MI 48201 USA 313-577-0086 mmcgowen@med.wayne.edu http://homopan.wayne.edu/people/mmcgowen.html
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