Reminder: Galaxy Main & Test Server downtime for hardware relocation Thursday, March 14, 2013

Original Notice Date: Thursday, March 7, 2013 Reminder NoticeDate: Friday, March 8, 2013 Greetings Galaxy *Main* & *Test* Users, The *Galaxy* *Public* *Main Galaxy Server* <> at ** (/ and *Test Galaxy Server <>* at ** will be *down on Thursday, March 14, while the team _/relocates core hardware /to a new server room_*. Please note that_/jobs running at the time of the shutdown may be terminated/_. Once the move is complete, any terminated jobs can be easily restarted using the "re-run" function. dataset re-run The /yellow banner on //*Main*//and //*Test*//will provide updates/ (when the servers are up) as well our *@galaxyproject Twitter* posts. Don't use Twitter? See our *Twitter Wiki <>*. *Galaxy's **Tool Shed <>**, ** <>**Wiki, and **Mailing list <>**services* will be /*unaffected*/ during this time. /Thanks for using Galaxy!!/ Galaxy team
participants (1)
Jennifer Jackson