Hello all, A Galaxy Group now exists on LinkedIn <http://bit.ly/gxyLinkedIn> ( http://bit.ly/gxyLinkedIn). The group is open to anyone and is a forum to post announcements, discussions <http://bit.ly/gxyLinkedIn>, and jobs of interest<https://www.linkedin.com/groups?jobs=&gid=4907635&trk=anet_ug_jobs> to the Galaxy community. *Note that this is not an official support forum for the Galaxy Project. Please continue to use the mailing lists<http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/MailingLists> for that purpose.* If you are on LinkedIn, please consider joining the group<http://bit.ly/gxyLinkedIn> today. Dave Clements <http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/DaveClements> and the Galaxy Team <http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/GalaxyTeam> -- http://galaxyproject.org/GCC2013 http://galaxyproject.org/ http://getgalaxy.org/ http://usegalaxy.org/ http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/
participants (1)
Dave Clements