Dear Galaxy User: Galaxy has just been upgraded with the most radical feature since its conception. It now features WORKFLOWS! Now you can: 1. Construct workflows by example ================================= Suppose you have just performed an analysis and now you want to re- run it again, modify its parameters, or use different input datasets. Previously (15 min ago) you would have had to redo it again. But now you can simply convert you existing history into a workflow! Watch how to construct workflow from a history here: http://screencast.g2.bx.psu.edu/galaxy/WorkFlow_SC4/ Watch how to modify workflow's parameters here: http://screencast.g2.bx.psu.edu/galaxy/WorkFlow_SC5/ 2. Construct workflows from scratch =================================== Galaxy now features an interactive workflow editor where things can be dragged around and connected. Watch how here: http://screencast.g2.bx.psu.edu/galaxy/WorkFlow_SC7/ 3. Make custom tools out of workflows ===================================== If you have a workflow that you want to use over and over again, you can now put it on the tool menu. Watch how here: http://screencast.g2.bx.psu.edu/galaxy/WorkFlow_SC6/ Finally, if you collaborate with someone, just share your workflows with that person. It is as easy as sharing histories. Workflows are in beta --------------------- Workflow support is currently in beta testing. Workflows may not work with all tools, may fail unexpectedly, and may not be compatible with future updates to Galaxy. If you encounter abnormal behavior, e-mail us to galaxy-bugs@bx.psu.edu. More on Galaxy -------------- To learn more about galaxy see here: http://galaxy.psu.edu and here: http://galaxy.psu.edu/screencasts.html anton nekrutenko on behalf of Galaxy Team (http://g2.trac.bx.psu.edu/wiki/GalaxyTeam) Anton Nekrutenko Asst. Professor Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Center for Comparative Genomics and Bioinformatics Penn State University anton@bx.psu.edu http://nekrut.bx.psu.edu 814.865.4752
participants (1)
Anton Nekrutenko