Good Afternoon, I have been having problems with my Galaxy account. The upload issue I was having has been fixed, but now I can't seem to join two datasets. I have checked both text files that I want to join to ensure they have common columns, but there are no options available when I try the drop-down menu to select a sheet to join. I also get an error message stating "Either you are not allowed to view this history or the owner of this history has not made it accessible" when I first try to view one of my other saved histories, but then the files eventually appear for that saved history. Thanks, Kim

Hello Kim, We can confirm that a few of the newest datasets in your most recent history have odd properties. The way around this is to copy the datasets into a new history (an option under "History" menu), convert the delimiters to tabs (a tool under "Text Manipulation"), then use the join tools. Something likely went wrong during the upload. It isn't something we have seen before, but we do have your example now to help track down any reproducible problems, should it come up again. The "Saved Histories -> View" issue I can also confirm in your account. We will get back you about that shortly. Thanks! Jen Galaxy team On 1/24/13 2:36 PM, Kim Spradling wrote:
-- Jennifer Hillman-Jackson Galaxy Support and Training http://galaxyproject.org
participants (2)
Jennifer Jackson
Kim Spradling