January 2014 Galaxy CloudMan Release

*We just released an update to Galaxy CloudMan <https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/CloudMan>. *CloudMan<https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/CloudMan> offers an easy way to get a personal and completely functional instance of Galaxy in the cloud in just a few minutes, without any manual configuration. *This update brings a large number of updates and new features, the most prominent ones being:* - On AWS, updated galaxy (snap-69893175) and galaxyIndices (snap-4b20f451) file system snapshots, which include the Nov 4, 2013 Galaxy release as well as a significant number of Galaxy tools updates and additions. Tool installations from the Tool Shed work as expected. - Updated the AWS AMI: *Galaxy CloudMan <https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/CloudMan> 2.3* (ami-a7dbf6ce) - Made multi-process Galaxy the default option for running Galaxy with CloudMan <https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/CloudMan>. - Automatically toggle master as job execution host or not when workers are present. - Added support for attaching external Gluster based filesystems + the ability to init clusters off gluster/nfs volumes when so configured in snaps.yaml. - Added support for creating a volume based on an archive_url allowing a file system to be downloaded at cluster launch; also made it possible to use transient disk for this. - Added tagging support for OpenStack <http://openstack.org/> instances (requires OpenStack Havana release). - Galaxy Reports app now starts by default on Galaxy type clusters; it is accessible on<instance IP>/reports/ URL. *Minor updates* - Added AWS new High I/O instance types. - Created proFTPd service for managing the application; fixes occasional issues with FTP connectivity - Updated admin_users (in Admin) form data-prefill and explanatory text to indicate correctly that this form now sets all admin users, instead of appending to the existing list. - Included cluster name into the page title. - Explicitly indicate that upon cluster deletion shared clusters get removed too. - Added TMPDIR env var to point to a dir on (Galaxy's) data file system. - Generalize support for finding libc on newer Ubuntu platforms. Allows CloudMan <https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/CloudMan> to run on Ubuntu 13.04 and tries to be future compatible with new minor releases of libc (thanks Brad Chapman). - Numerous fixes, see commit log for details. For more details on the new features, see the the CHANGELOG<https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/cloudman/src/tip/CHANGELOG.md?at=default> and for even more details see, *all 103 commit messages <https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/cloudman/commits/all?search=a6bf542%3Acc55ca9> from 4 contributors*. Enjoy and please let us know what you think, Enis Afgan <https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/EnisAfgan> and Dannon Baker<https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/DannonBaker> Galaxy Team
participants (1)
Enis Afgan