where to submit galaxy error messgae
Hi Kathryn, If you encounter an error while using the public Main Galaxy server at http://main.g2.bx.psu.edu (usegalaxy.org), the first thing to do is review the tool usage help (on tool form) and the input dataset formats. Often the error message or 'i' info page's standard out/error will have some details about the problem, or the info revealed when clicking on the 'bug' icon (this doesn't automatically send in a bug report, you can also just review it). Many problems can be solved with minor adjustments, some tips are in our wiki here: http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Support#Help.21_Common_Solutions But if you are still stuck, then please submit the error as a bug report, being sure to leave the inputs and error itself undeleted in your history (this is important), following this method: http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Support#Reporting_tool_errors When running your own instance, or a cloud instance, other factors can contribute to problems, including the instance administration options and set-up. It is best to send these types of questions, with clear descriptions of the issues and some description of the troubleshooting you have done (this tends to generate the most feedback) to the dedicated development mailing list at galaxy-dev@bx.psu.edu. This will give it the best exposure to the dev community. http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Support#Mailing_Lists I see your other question now posted about MACS. At first glance this looks like a local install tool configuration problem, which would be a good fit for the galaxy-dev list, but we will respond to that question or move it over there and then respond. We do our best not to cross/double post to both lists. Hopefully this helps explain things a bit more! All list emails come to the same folks here on the core team - this org just helps us to track. But, the real benefit is for our community, so they can participate in their area of interest and more effectively search prior Q & A. Take care, Jen Galaxy team On Jan 10, 2013, at 2:31 PM, "Sun, Wenping [USA]" <Sun_Wenping@bah.com> wrote:
Hi Jennifer,
I have few messages with the error that I had while running galaxy modules. Is galaxy-user is good email for sending and getting the responses?
Thank you very much, Kathryn
Jennifer Hillman-Jackson Galaxy Support and Training http://galaxyproject.org
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Jennifer Jackson