Hello GCC2014 and GCC2015 participants, The announcement for the 2016 Galaxy Community Conference is below. A couple of things to note: 1) The oral presentation abstract deadline <https://gcc2016.iu.edu/abstracts/index.php> is March 25, *this Friday.* 2) There are scholarships available <https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/News/GCC2016Scholarships> for students and post-docs in historically underrepresented groups. This is the only GCC2016 email we'll send to these lists. If you want to be kept up to date on GCC2016 news, then please subscribe to the Galaxy Announcements List <galaxy-announce@lists.galaxyproject.org>. Thanks, and hope to see you in Bloomington, Dave C --------------------- The *2016 Galaxy Community Conference *(*GCC2016*, *gcc2016.iu.edu <http://gcc2016.iu.edu/>*) features two days of presentations, discussions, poster sessions, lightning talks, computer demos, keynotes, and birds-of-a-feather meetups, *all about data-intensive biology and the tools that support it*. Keynote speaker Yoav Gilad <http://genes.uchicago.edu/directory/yoav-gilad-phd/>, a professor of human genetics at the University of Chicago, will kick-start the main conference with a discussion on the analysis of large gene regulatory data sets. Preconference events include data <https://gcc2016.iu.edu/hacks/hacks-data.php> and coding <https://gcc2016.iu.edu/hacks/hacks-coding.php> hackathons <https://gcc2016.iu.edu/hacks/index.php>, and *two days of training* <https://gcc16.sched.org/overview/type/Training+%E2%80%94+Any> in five concurrent tracks covering 26 topics. *GCC2016* will be held at *Indiana University* in Bloomington, Indiana, June 25-29, 2016. Since it started seven years ago, GCC has been a well-attended gathering of biologists, genome researchers, bioinformaticians, and others in data-intensive biomedical research around the world. Galaxy <https://galaxyproject.org/> is an open, web-based platform for data-intensive biomedical research and enables easy interactive analysis through the web on arbitrarily large data sets. The Galaxy framework is a major resource in achieving key research goals within the biological field. It provides next-generation sequencing (NGS) tools and workflows for short-read mapping, ChIP-seq, RNA-seq, metagenomics, variant analysis, visualization, and support for Galaxy in the cloud. There are hundreds of local installs, and *over 80 publicly accessible servers* around the world. *Abstract submission** for oral presentations closes March 25. *Abstract submission for posters and computer demonstrations closes May 20. *Early registration* is now open. Registration starts at less than $45/day for post-docs and students. Registering early assures you a place at the conference and also a spot in the training workshops <https://gcc16.sched.org/overview/type/Training+%E2%80%94+Any> you want to attend. You can also *book conference housing* when you register. *Registration and lodging scholarships <https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/News/GCC2016Scholarships>* are available for attendees from underrepresented groups and developing countries. Thanks, and we hope to see you in Bloomington! The *GCC2016 Exec* -- http://galaxyproject.org/ http://getgalaxy.org/ http://usegalaxy.org/ https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/
participants (1)
Dave Clements