Hello GCC2016 Participants, GCC2016 has started! The code and data hackathons kicked off this morning, each with a record number of participants. Things expand even further tomorrow–the first day of training. Here are the relevant bits for the next day or so: - Conference check-in - Training office hours - Call for ... lightning! - Submit a BoF now! - Announced BoFs - Training and meeting to be streamed! - Sponsors - Training: Required software - Lodging check-in Welcome to Bloomington! The GCC2016 Exec Carrie Ganote, Chris Hemmerich, Dave Clements, Marilyne Summo, and Robert Ping *Conference check-in* If you are just arriving, please stop by the conference desk to pick up your badge, program, and other conference materials. You’ll need that badge to attend GCC2016 events. Over the weekend, the conference desk will be open: Saturday, 9am–9pm, Lobby, Wells Library <http://sched.co/72a8> Sunday, 8am–9pm, Conference Room, main level, IMU <http://sched.co/72Zd> See the online map <http://bit.ly/gcc2016map> for building locations. *Training: Office hours* *Note: Tonight’s training office hours <http://sched.co/5Yax> have been moved to the Wells Library.* To help people get set up in advance, there will be a training office hour session the night before each day of training. Drop by if you require help installing and configuring required software, or just to check that everything is working. The two training office hours sessions will be Saturday, 7–10pm, *Wells Library* <http://sched.co/5Yax> Sunday, 8:30–9:30pm, Hoosier Room, main level of the IMU <http://sched.co/5Yan> Our goal is to have everyone ready to go when the first training session starts each morning. And, if you are VM, VirtualBox, Docker, or generally systems proficient, think about stopping by and lending a hand. *Call for ... lightning!* Lightning talks are a highlight of every GCC, and this year we’ve allocated more time for them at GCC2016 than ever before. Lightning talks are short, sharp talks about something you’ve been working on, a resource, a question, or anything else of interest to GCC2016 participants. Talks are 7 minutes long with 5 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for Q&A. There are two lightning talk sessions: one on Tuesday at 4:45pm, and one on Wednesday at 4:30pm. *If you wish to give a lightning talk, please send an abstract to gcc2016-sci@lists.galaxyproject.org <gcc2016-sci@lists.galaxyproject.org> before the start of session 2 on Tuesday or the start of session 6 on Wednesday.* Proposals should be short, just like the talks. Reviewers will let you know no later than the end of lunch on each day if the proposal has been accepted for that day. The slides for all lightning talks will be made available online, and the talks will be recorded and posted online for later viewing. *Submit a BoF now!* Got an idea for a birds-of-a-feather? Submit your BoF here <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1aikQugTW_VlY5K0TQ3cI9E2NVIk443gkzK6EqP8gsr4/viewform>, right now. Birds-of-a-feather meetups (BoFs) <https://gcc16.sched.org/overview/type/E.6+Birds-of-a-feather> are informal gatherings at GCC where attendees with a shared interest meet to discuss their interests and challenges. There is ample space for more BoFs throughout the rest of the conference. *Announced BoFs* 1. European Galaxy developer school <http://sched.co/7Vi5> Monday, June 27, 11:30am-12:30pm What should be covered in a developer school being held in January 2017, in Strasbourg (France). Sign up now <http://sched.co/7Vi5>. 2. Application containers for the win! <http://sched.co/7UVB> Monday, June 27, 11:30am-12:30pm Application portability conundrum of Galactic proportions. Sign up now <http://sched.co/7UVB>. 3. GalaxyAdmins <http://sched.co/7KLn> Tuesday, June 28, 12:40pm-1:40pm The GalaxyAdmins community <https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Community/GalaxyAdmins> meets in person Sign up now <http://sched.co/7KLn>. *Training and meeting to be streamed!* GCC talks have often been recorded and then posted online afterward. We’ll do that again this year, but Indiana University is making it possible to go one step further: All GCC2016 training sessions and conference talks will be streamed live during the events. Know someone who couldn’t make it? URLs for streaming are in the conference FAQ <https://gcc2016.iu.edu/faq/index.php>. *Sponsors* Conference sponsors <https://gcc2016.iu.edu/sponsors/index.php> are key partners in the Galaxy community and are absolutely vital in making event registration affordable. We are highlighting different sponsors in each email. Indiana University is home to the *IU Pervasive Technology Institute* <https://pti.iu.edu/>, platinum sponsor of GCC2016. IU PTI seeks to improve the quality of life in the state of Indiana and the world through novel research and innovation and service delivery in the broad domain of information technology and informatics. Affiliate partners of PTI include: - Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research <https://cacr.iu.edu/>, providing the nation with leadership in applied cybersecurity technology, education, and policy. - Data to Insight Center <http://d2i.indiana.edu/>, focusing on data management, big data, data and text analytics, advanced cyberinfrastructure, tools for automated metadata and provenance capture, and the management and preservation of scientific data. - Digital Science Center <http://www.dsc.soic.indiana.edu/>, exploring new applications related to the most cutting-edge grid and cloud technologies and working to define some of the most powerful new computational techniques available. - Research Technologies <https://rt.uits.iu.edu/index.php>, developing, delivering, and supporting advanced technology solutions that improve productivity of and enable new possibilities in research, scholarly endeavors, and creative activity at Indiana University and beyond. National Science Foundation-funded partners of IU PTI include: - National Center for Genome Analysis Support, enabling the U.S. biological research community to analyze, understand, and make use of the vast amount of genomic information now available. - Jetstream <http://jetstream-cloud.org/>, a cloud system on which you can run Galaxy. IU PTI also acknowledges the leadership and research capabilities of two entities at IU who have helped in the planning of GCC2016 and who work with IU PTI: - Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics <https://cgb.indiana.edu/about/index.html>, a service facility that provides IU faculty access to genome technologies and bioinformatics support. - IU Bioinformatics <http://www.soic.indiana.edu/graduate/degrees/informatics/bioinformatics/index.html> program. IU’s School of Informatics and Computing offers an extensive graduate program, combining several disciplines and using massive amounts of data. On behalf of IU PTI and all our affiliates and partners, we welcome you to Bloomington, Indiana. Please reach out to us by contacting pti@iu.edu or visiting our website for more information: pti.iu.edu *GenomeWeb* <https://www.genomeweb.com/> is a proud sponsor of the 2016 Galaxy Community Conference. Did you know that academic and non-profit researchers have free access to GenomeWeb’s premium news? Just register with your .edu, .org, .gov, or equivalent email address and you’ll have access to the entire site! Premium subscribers can opt into our weekly topical news bulletins, including our weekly roundup of informatics news. Register at www.genomeweb.com/user/register or email customerservice@genomeweb.com with any questions. *Training: Required software* *See Thursday’s email.* And, all the VMs we know about are now located on Jetstream <http://jetstream-iu0.galaxyproject.org/planemo/>, here at IU. Feel free to download them from there, especially if you are already in Bloomington *Lodging check-in* *See Thursday’s email.* -- http://galaxyproject.org/ http://getgalaxy.org/ http://usegalaxy.org/ https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/