Hello GCC2016 Participants, GCC2016 training is halfway done: We had 15 sessions today (plus 1 more tonight), and have 15 more on Monday. The code and data hackathons officially wind down this evening (but will continue in smaller groups during the rest of the week). Here’s the news to use for the next 36 hours: - Conference check-in - Training office hour - Dinner options tonight - Opening reception Monday, 7-9pm - Call for … lightning! - Monday BoFs - Submit a BoF now! - Sponsors See you, um, here! The GCC2016 Exec Carrie Ganote, Chris Hemmerich, Dave Clements, Marilyne Summo, and Robert Ping Conference check-in If you are just arriving, please stop by the conference desk to pick up your badge, program, and other conference materials. You’ll need that badge to attend GCC2016 The conference desk will be open these times today and tomorrow: Sun 8am–9pm, Conference Room, main level, IMU Mon 8am–6pm, Conference Room, main level, IMU 6:45-9pm, CyberInfrastructure Building (during opening reception See the online map <http://bit.ly/gcc2016map> for building locations. Training: Office hour To help people get set up in advance, there will be a training office hour session tonight. Drop by if you require help installing and configuring required software, or just to check that everything is working. The training office hour tonight is: Sunday, 8:30–9:30pm, Hoosier Room, main level of the IMU. Our goal is to have everyone ready to go when the first training session starts each morning. And, if you are VM, VirtualBox, Docker, or generally systems proficient, think about stopping by and lending a hand. Dinner options tonight You are on your own for dinner this evening (Sunday). See the bottom of the conference location page <https://gcc2016.iu.edu/location/index.php> for links to nearby options. Or, if you just want to wander, see the online map <http://bit.ly/gcc2016map> for restaurant-enriched neighborhoods. Fourth street from Indiana Avenue to Walnut St. and Fifth Street (Kirkwood Avenue) from Indiana Avenue to Rogers St. both have an array of amazing options. The square downtown is a great find as well. Lunch on Monday Will be in the IMU East Lounge. This will get people through the lunch lines much quicker than today. Opening reception Monday 7-9pm Jetstream <http://jetstream-cloud.org/>, IU's newest National Science Foundation-funded project, and the National Center for Genome Analysis Support <http://ncgas.org/> at IU, will sponsor a reception at the IU CyberInfrastructure Building with local wine/beer, morsels from local eateries, and demonstrations of the 15 million+ pixel IQ-Wall, IU's Data Center, Science on a Sphere, and other IU-centric IT. Meet at the sidewalk by the stop sign near the guard gate on 7th street at the entrance to the IMU Hotel circle drive at ~6:25 and ~7:25pm or at Wilkie North Tower circle drive at ~6:45pm or ~7:45pm for transport or have a walk west out 10th street. See map <https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1eC2hIqhNdnTRWVEL7fRrs2x8Qb4> (CIB is two purple balloons on far right of map) Please bring the your two drink tickets (inside your badge holder). Call for ... lightning! There are two lightning talk sessions: one on Tuesday at 4:45pm, and one on Wednesday at 4:30pm. If you wish to give a lightning talk, please send an abstract to gcc2016-sci@lists.galaxyproject.org before the start of session 2 on Tuesday or the start of session 6 on Wednesday. Proposals should be short, just like the talks. Reviewers will let you know no later than the end of lunch on each day if the proposal has been accepted for that day. The slides for all lightning talks will be made available online, and the talks will be recorded and posted online for later viewing. Monday BoFs BoFs start tomorrow! Here’s what’s been scheduled for Monday as of this writing: 1. European Galaxy developer school <http://sched.co/7Vi5> Monday, June 27, IMU Oak Room, 11:30am-12:30pm What should be covered in a developer school being held in January 2017, in Strasbourg (France). Sign up now <http://sched.co/7Vi5>. 2. Application containers for the win! <http://sched.co/7UVB> Monday, June 27, IMU, Walnut Room, 11:30am-12:30pm Application portability conundrum of Galactic proportions. Sign up now <http://sched.co/7UVB>. 3. GalaxyScientists Revival <https://gcc16.sched.org/event/7YSs/galaxyscientists-revival-birds-of-a-feather> (Newly added) Monday, June 27, Oak Room, 9pm-10:30pm GalaxyScientists represents the scientific community among Galaxy users. If you would like to contribute to the Galaxy scientific community, please join us. Sign up now <http://sched.co/7UVB>. See something that interests you? Plan to attend. You don’t have to register for a BoF on sched.org to attend a BoF. Just show up. Let’s say that again: Really, just show up. See the complete list of BoFs <https://gcc16.sched.org/type/E.6+Birds-of-a-feather> for what’s coming during the rest of the week. More BoFs will be added as they are submitted. We’ll announce them on Twitter, in the daily mails, and during the meeting. Submit a BoF now! Submit your BoF here <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1aikQugTW_VlY5K0TQ3cI9E2NVIk443gkzK6EqP8gsr4/viewform>, right now. Birds-of-a-feather meetups (BoFs) <https://gcc16.sched.org/overview/type/E.6+Birds-of-a-feather> are informal gatherings at GCC where attendees with a shared interest meet to discuss their interests and challenges. If you have an idea for a BoF, post it here <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1aikQugTW_VlY5K0TQ3cI9E2NVIk443gkzK6EqP8gsr4/viewform>. There is ample space for more BoFs throughout the rest of the conference. Sponsors Conference sponsors <https://gcc2016.iu.edu/sponsors/index.php> are key partners in the Galaxy community and are absolutely vital in making event registration affordable. We are highlighting different sponsors in each email. DDN <http://www.ddn.com/> is the leading provider of high-performance storage solutions, including parallel file systems for fast analytics, as well as cloud solutions for secure collaborative research and active archival. By delivering a single, end-to-end platform for the entire research data lifecycle, DDN solutions are proven to reduce time to discovery in the most demanding environments. For variant calling workflows, for instance, our customers are seeing an order of magnitude better throughput than on traditional NAS storage. As a result, DDN customers include over a third of top sequencing centers, and a growing number of clinical research and pharmaceutical companies as well. Stop by the DDN booth to meet with their experts and learn more! *BIOTEAM APPLIANCE GALAXY EDITION: GALAXY MADE EASY* The *BioTeam Appliance Galaxy Edition* <http://www.bioteam.net/products/galaxy-appliance/> is a push-button solution that let’s researchers get up and running quickly with Galaxy. The Galaxy Appliance comes preinstalled with a production instance of Galaxy, bioinformatics tools, and reference datasets. This powerful system is specifically configured for computationally intensive scientific workloads. The Galaxy Appliance also provides researchers with the flexibility to install additional applications they need, independent of Galaxy, in order to effectively conduct their research on one central system. BioTeam provides ongoing support for the Galaxy Appliance, enabling researchers to minimize their IT burden. The Galaxy Appliance is used by researchers around the world for metagenomic, ChIP-Seq, RNA-Seq analysis and more. Contact tom@bioteam.net -- http://galaxyproject.org/ http://getgalaxy.org/ http://usegalaxy.org/ https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/
participants (1)
Dave Clements