Hello! I hope I find you all well, and excited for the upcoming conference. *(1 month away!)* Below is the training schedule in its* final* form. If there are any updates that need to be made, please let me know as soon as possible. [image: Screenshot from 2023-06-12 10-29-30.png] Additionally, I'd like to take this time to remind you folks to *bring your* *power adaptors* to the conference (if you're traveling internationally), as there are not any available on site. All rooms have HDMI hook up available. Finally, I'd like to *thank you* all for agreeing to be such an integral part of the conference. I know that you are all busy with loads of other things, but your dedication to sharing knowledge with others is admirable. In these next few weeks, please take the time to *look over* and run through the *training materials* for your session. If you do not have training materials on GTN for your session because it's a new/er topic, consider making them, as they make it very easy for students to follow along during the training and in the years to come. Please reach out if you have any questions about the rooms, the sessions, or anything else, and I will try to get answers to you as quickly as possible. Again, my heartfelt thanks, -- Assunta DeSanto <http://www.usegalaxy.org> Computational Scientist III Nekrutenko Lab, Penn State University <http://www.github.com/assuntad23>@assuntad23 <https://github.com/assuntad23>