Dear Directors of the Board,

Another thing we need do for all donors (irrespective of the 
amount they gave), is to send them an annual report from the 
Foundation. This is something we should send in January or February 
of every year.

Here is a top level view of the sections this report could include:

  1. Message from Anton.
  2. Mission, Vision, and Values of the Foundation.
  3. Year in Review: Accomplishments for 2024
    1. List of awardees for 2024.
  4. Financial Summary.
  5. Plans and goals for 2025.
  6. Auditor’s Report (will we have one in January?)

+ Info-graphics about countries, women an minorities

This report will need to be shared, so no personal information 
about donors will be included. We will want to distribute 
specifically the donors, but also want to make this public 
(and on our website).

I am happy to take the initiative to start on this (I will be 
borrowing text from our web site), and have a draft for the
Board in November. I will also (in that period) be bugging 
some people for information.

Please let me know if you have concerns, or ideas I should 
include, or if you are interested in contributing to an earlier 
draft. I will need help with infographics and testimonials 
which we should sprinkle through this document.

I just think we need to get things moving on many fronts, 
this being one of them.

All the best to all,


B.F. Francis Ouellette
Tel: +1 (438) 989-5213        

I acknowledge that where I live and work is situated on the traditional territory of the Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) nation, a place which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples. Tiohtià:ke/Montréal is historically known as a gathering place for many First Nations.  Today, it is home to a diverse population of Indigenous and other peoples. I recognize and respect these nations as the traditional custodians of the land and water on which it is located. 

Je reconnais que l'endroit où je vis et travaille est situé sur le territoire traditionnel des nations Kanien’kehá:ka (Iroquois), un lieu qui a longtemps servi de lieu de rencontre et d'échange entre les peuples Autochtones. Tiohtià:ke/Montréal est historiquement reconnu comme un site de rencontre de plusieurs premières nations. C’est aujourd’hui la demeure de plusieurs populations diverses incluant les Autochtones. Je reconnais et respecte ces nations en tant que gardiennes traditionnelles des terres et des eaux sur lesquelles elles se trouvent.