Dear all, I apologize for distributing the wrong zoom link. Here is the updated one: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84301740848?pwd=NWROb0pDdDJFajZSbnVUazNsRUdxZz09 Meeting ID: 843 0174 0848 Passcode: 289398 Best Dear all, we’re pleased to announce the next Galaxy Metabolomics Community call taking place next Thursday the 25th of May at 2pm CEST (Event Time Announcer - Galaxy Metabolomics Community Call (timeanddate.com)<https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Galaxy+Metabolomics+Community+Call&iso=20230525T14&p1=980&ah=1>) on Zoom. We are having Niek de Jonge as our invited speaker who will be presenting his software tool “MS2Query: reliable and scalable MS2 mass spectra-based analogue search” (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-37446-4) with possibilities for future integration into Galaxy. We will also have updates from the community, including new contributions to the Galaxy Training Network as well as tool development updates. Looking forward to seeing you on the call! Best Wishes, Helge & Melanie Helge Hecht, M.Sc. Head of Department Spectrometric Data Processing & Analysis [logo Masarykova univerzita – Sci] Masarykova univerzita | Přírodovĕdecká fakulta RECETOX A: Kamenice 753/5 | 625 00 Brno T: +420 549 49 3406 W: www.recetox.muni.cz<http://www.recetox.muni.cz/>