The *Tool working group meeting* will be on *April 5th* (as in the calendar - source of truth!), not on April 6th (as stated in my previous email). Thanks Matus for spotting the error! Best, Bérénice On 30.03.23 10:58, Bérénice Batut wrote:
Hi all,
Here are some news about the microGalaxy community of practice
*The next microGalaxy community meeting will take place on May 4th 3-5pm UTC*(check yourtimezone) <https://arewemeetingyet.com/UTC/2023-05-04/15:00/microGalaxy>
* Meeting rolling minutes <https://docs.google.com/document/d/13VjcUjStuIp7bK29e74k8Nqb7N4lmVcg1ioArEWr254/edit?usp=sharing> * Zoom <https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82453101719?pwd=NlJudHk1c0xqSC83eXM4bTM1YWJ2UT09>(Meeting ID: 824 5310 1719; Passcode: micro)
* * *Working group meetings*(calendar with all meetings <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=npu7puk75n6p0u4aapv5t21uj8%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe%2FBrussels>)
* Paper working group <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uVQ8E_8HpIuHDYHwR82jU8pCvj0tnebFKyS0juAoyGc/edit?usp=sharing>: May 2nd, 1pm UTC (survey, user-oriented paper) * Tool working group <https://docs.google.com/document/d/14LJLyVgT29m63iovCww7nMDmfRAqOicedzxHu3aqXnE/edit?usp=sharing>: April 6th, 7am UTC (survey, BioHackathon proposal)
* * *Survey* We launched a*survey*to reach out to, and learn from, the microbial research community, about*use cases*where Galaxy was beneficial, and also the barriers*that prevent researchers from using Galaxy*. with the aim is to collectively*find solutions*to improve user experience and reduce barriers:https://forms.gle/q8LizeoHCxjjQp559 <https://forms.gle/q8LizeoHCxjjQp559> *Please fill the survey and share it around you and your communities.* You can find more information about this survey and how we plan to use the information collected on the dedicated post here:https://galaxyproject.org/news/2023-03-21-microbial-survey <https://galaxyproject.org/news/2023-03-21-microbial-survey> I hope to see you around!
Bérénie -- Bérénice Batut (she/her) Researcher University of Freiburg de.NBI / ELIXIR-DE https://research.bebatut.fr -- Bérénice Batut (she/her) Researcher University of Freiburg de.NBI / ELIXIR-DE https://research.bebatut.fr