Dear all,

We had our first meeting for 2023 earlier. 

It was nice to talk and get updates from people there!
If you could not join, you can still share updates and requests in our rolling minutes.

Few things we discussed and I want to raise to everyone.

TLDR (see details below): Before February 23th

Page on the Galaxy Hub
We would like to create a page on the Galaxy Hub ( presenting the effort of the community.
We started a draft for such page with the idea is to collect available tools, workflows, and training but also use cases/applications, projects, publications, etc.
I would like to publish it on the Hub in the next month.
Please review the draft, add anything missing (in particular projects, etc) before February 23th.
This page could be later use as template for other community of practice

Using this page as start, we also would to write paper(s?) to 
To make that happening, we would like to start a working group that will meet regularly.
If you are interested, add your name and information in this document  before February 23th.
I will then contact interested people to organise a first meeting.

Curated list of tools
For the paper, the page on the Hub, but also for general interest, we started a 
curated list of tools available in Galaxy for microbial data analysis.
Available tools and their metadata are automatically extracted from different GitHub repositories using a script I wrote.
We discussed today about starting a working group to continue the work on that. 
If you are interested in joining the effort, add your name and information in this document  before February 23th.

Next meeting
Our next meeting is planned for April 13th, 3-5pm UTC (see your timezone)
If you would like to give a short talk, let me know or add your information on the top of our rolling minutes.

Thanks for reading through this long email :)


On 7. Feb 2023, at 14:05, Bérénice Batut <> wrote:

Dear all,

A quick reminder that our next meeting will be on Thursday 8:00-10:00am UTC (check your timezone)

Meeting rolling minutes
• Zoom (Meeting ID: 824 5310 1719; Passcode: micro)
Daniela Brites from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute will give a talk.
See you on Thursday,

On 23. Jan 2023, at 10:33, Bérénice Batut <> wrote:

Dear all,
I hope you are doing well!
Here are some news about the microGalaxy community.

Next meeting - February 9th
The next microGalaxy meeting will take place on February 9th 8:00-10:00am UTC (check your timezone)
• Meeting rolling minutes
• Zoom (Meeting ID: 824 5310 1719; Passcode: micro)
Daniela Brites from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute will give a talk.

Other news
List of tools in Galaxy: A curated list of tools available in Galaxy and their metadata automatically extracted from different GitHub repositories using a dedicated script. In addition, we have a wishlist that is manually created.
Page on the Hub about Microbial data analysis in Galaxy: We started a draft for a page on Hub to present the effort of the community regarding Microbial data analysis in Galaxy. The idea is to collect available tools, workflows, and training but also use cases/applications, projects, publications, etc.
We would your help there. So please review/expand it.

I hope to see you during the next meeting.
Bérénice Batut (she/her)
University of Freiburg