This event has been canceled. [microGalaxy] microGalaxy technical paper - Meetings on July 25th mercredi 3 juil. 2024 ⋅ 13:30 – 14:30 Heure d’Europe centrale - Paris https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/92224823565?pwd=goIjlyaJ5wtr5c4vK34VKeHuoFJFdJ.1 Guests Clea Siguret - creator microgalaxy@lists.galaxyproject.org galo.goig@swisstph.ch pvanheusden@uwc.ac.za kimberlymetris@gmail.com berenice.batut@gmail.com d.brites@swisstph.ch nikosp41@certh.gr smehta@umn.edu saskiahiltemann@gmail.com Pierre MARIN bmirauta@gmail.com valerie.schiml@nmbu.no asimejamesoba@gmail.com fpsom@certh.gr pierre.amato@uca.fr bjoern.gruening@gmail.com evan.bolyen@nau.edu blanked2@ccf.org raphaelle.peguilhan@univ-pau.fr cumbof@ccf.org anthony.simard@nau.edu greg.caporaso@nau.edu pjagtap@umn.edu anshu@imtech.res.in nicola.soranzo@earlham.ac.uk ~~//~~ Invitation from Google Calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ You are receiving this email because you are an attendee on the event. To stop receiving future updates for this event, decline this event. Forwarding this invitation could allow any recipient to send a response to the organizer, be added to the guest list, invite others regardless of their own invitation status, or modify your RSVP. Learn more https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/37135#forwarding