On 21 Mar 2022, at 13:43, Valiente.Manuel <mvaliente@cnio.es> wrote:
_______________________________________________Remove me from this listManuel Valiente
From: Alexander-Brett, Jennifer <jalexand@wustl.edu>
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 1:39:09 PM
To: sci-ua-labs@lists.galaxyproject.org <sci-ua-labs@lists.galaxyproject.org>
Subject: [Sci-ua-labs] REMOVE ME FROM LISTCAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe
I did not sign up to be bombarded with 50 emails/day from other investigators soliciting postdocs. Nice idea, disaster in practice.Get Outlook for iOS
From: Jedrzej Walkowiak <jedrzejw@amu.edu.pl>
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 6:24:35 AM
To: sci-ua-labs@lists.galaxyproject.org <sci-ua-labs@lists.galaxyproject.org>
Subject: [Sci-ua-labs] Post-doc position availbale in chemistry and catalysis
* External Email - Caution *
Dear All,
I have posted that the post-doc position is available in my laboratory. The date for applications was shifted until the end of this week. If you know any Ukrainian scientists, who might be interested in the post-doc position in catalysis, organic and organometallic chemistry please forward this information. A postdoc position is available in the project entitled: The new approach to hydroboration reactions of the unsaturated carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bonds in repetitive batch and continuous flow systems.
The position is available for 12 months with a possible extension for the next year.
I will be very happy to consider applications from Ukraine.
EURAXESS: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/734905
Best regards,
Jedrzej Walkowiak
dr hab. inż. Jędrzej Walkowiak, prof. UAM
Centrum Zaawansowanych Technologii
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza
Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 10
61-614 Poznań
tel. komórkowy +48 502607516
e-mail: jedrzejw@amu.edu.pl
Dr. hab. BEng. Jedrzej Walkowiak
Associate Professor
Center for Advanced Technology
Adam Mickiewicz University
Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 10
61-614 Poznań, POLAND
tel. mobile +48 502607516
e-mail: jedrzejw@amu.edu.pl
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