Please remove me. Thanks -- Prof. Dr. Lutz Becks University of Konstanz Aquatic Ecology and Evolution Limnological Institute University Mainaustraße 252 78464 Konstanz / Egg Germany Phone: 07531 88 2828 E-Mail: lutz.becks@uni-konstanz.de https://www.limnologie.uni-konstanz.de/en/ag-becks/ Queer in EEB 19/20 May 2022 Konstanz Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie/Annual meeting German Limnological Society 19-24 Sept. 2022

Please remove me too Von: Lutz Becks <lutz.becks@uni-konstanz.de> Gesendet: Montag, 21. März 2022 13:42 An: sci-ua-labs@lists.galaxyproject.org Betreff: [Sci-ua-labs] remove from list Please remove me. Thanks -- Prof. Dr. Lutz Becks University of Konstanz Aquatic Ecology and Evolution Limnological Institute University Mainaustraße 252 78464 Konstanz / Egg Germany Phone: 07531 88 2828 E-Mail: lutz.becks@uni-konstanz.de<mailto:lutz.becks@uni-konstanz.de> https://www.limnologie.uni-konstanz.de/en/ag-becks/ Queer in EEB 19/20 May 2022 Konstanz<https://www.rtg-resilience.uni-konstanz.de/events/queer-eco-evo/> Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie/Annual meeting German Limnological Society 19-24 Sept. 2022<https://www.limnologie.uni-konstanz.de/dgl22/>

Please remove my name too. [cid:image001.gif@01D83CF8.7386CE00] Janos Zempleni, Ph.D. Willa Cather Professor of Molecular Nutrition Director of the Nebraska Center for the Prevention of Obesity Diseases through Dietary Molecules <https://npod.unl.edu/> Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences<https://cehs.unl.edu/nhs/> University of Nebraska-Lincoln 1700 N. 35th Street 316C Leverton Hall Lincoln, NE 68583-0806, USA Phone: (402) 472-3270 Email: jzempleni2@unl.edu<mailto:jzempleni2@unl.edu> From: Frei, Michael <Michael.Frei@agrar.uni-giessen.de> Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 7:46 AM To: Lutz Becks <lutz.becks@uni-konstanz.de>; sci-ua-labs@lists.galaxyproject.org Subject: [Sci-ua-labs] Re: remove from list Non-NU Email ________________________________ Please remove me too Von: Lutz Becks <lutz.becks@uni-konstanz.de<mailto:lutz.becks@uni-konstanz.de>> Gesendet: Montag, 21. März 2022 13:42 An: sci-ua-labs@lists.galaxyproject.org<mailto:sci-ua-labs@lists.galaxyproject.org> Betreff: [Sci-ua-labs] remove from list Please remove me. Thanks -- Prof. Dr. Lutz Becks University of Konstanz Aquatic Ecology and Evolution Limnological Institute University Mainaustraße 252 78464 Konstanz / Egg Germany Phone: 07531 88 2828 E-Mail: lutz.becks@uni-konstanz.de<mailto:lutz.becks@uni-konstanz.de> https://www.limnologie.uni-konstanz.de/en/ag-becks/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.limnologie.uni-konstanz.de/en/ag-becks/__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!UrElRFcQZJcyiD-h2Beisj2ELdoeWNfQprRFM_auahLa8PPJX9WJ9gmzYYWyWRPQnw$> Queer in EEB 19/20 May 2022 Konstanz<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.rtg-resilience.uni-konstanz.de/events/queer-eco-evo/__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!UrElRFcQZJcyiD-h2Beisj2ELdoeWNfQprRFM_auahLa8PPJX9WJ9gmzYYVpZCocFw$> Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie/Annual meeting German Limnological Society 19-24 Sept. 2022<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.limnologie.uni-konstanz.de/dgl22/__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!UrElRFcQZJcyiD-h2Beisj2ELdoeWNfQprRFM_auahLa8PPJX9WJ9gmzYYXwgIuO2g$>

Please remove me from the list. Regards pon., 21 mar 2022 o 13:43 Lutz Becks <lutz.becks@uni-konstanz.de> napisał(a):
Please remove me. Thanks
-- *Prof. Dr. Lutz Becks* University of Konstanz Aquatic Ecology and Evolution Limnological Institute University Mainaustraße 252 78464 Konstanz / Egg Germany Phone: 07531 88 2828 E-Mail: lutz.becks@uni-konstanz.de https://www.limnologie.uni-konstanz.de/en/ag-becks/
Queer in EEB 19/20 May 2022 Konstanz <https://www.rtg-resilience.uni-konstanz.de/events/queer-eco-evo/>
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie/Annual meeting German Limnological Society 19-24 Sept. 2022 <https://www.limnologie.uni-konstanz.de/dgl22/> _______________________________________________ Sci-ua-labs mailing list -- sci-ua-labs@lists.galaxyproject.org To unsubscribe send an email to sci-ua-labs-leave@lists.galaxyproject.org
-- dr hab. inż. Filip Boratyński, profesor UPWr Katedra Chemii Żywności i Biokatalizy Wydział Biotechnologii i Nauk o Żywności Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu Ul. C.K. Norwida 25, 50-375 Wrocław Filip Boratyński, BSc, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. Department of Food Chemistry and Biocatalysis The Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Science Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences Norwida 25, 50-375 Wroclaw, Poland
participants (4)
Filip Boratyński
Frei, Michael
Janos Zempleni
Lutz Becks