Hey SIG-Chairs & Representatives!
Our meeting this week fell on a mainland Europe holiday. Therefore:
MEETING MOVED TO: June 20th, 5pm-London time, Thursday
Current agenda (more formal email to precede the meeting):
1. Community board lightning talk tweaks
2. Actions / goals for GCC meeting + feedback to take to other boards/people
3. (If time): Draft schedule of meetings for year / goals
Rolling notes (to be updated before meeting): https://docs.google.com/document/d/19zv4rata-uVhFW43S8v_Fw83RVYq6jDGXy-1T8A…
Wendi Bacon (she/her)
Senior Lecturer in Health Sciences<https://www.open.ac.uk/people/wb2845>
School of Life, Health & Chemical Sciences | Faculty of STEM
The Open University | Milton Keynes MK7 6AA | United Kingdom
Galaxy Single-Cell & Spatial Omics<https://training.galaxyproject.org/training-material/hall-of-fame/nomadscie…>
Better Martial Arts<https://better-martial-arts.org/>
I sometimes work flexibly so if you have received an email from me outside of normal business hours, I’m sending it at a time that suits me. Please do not feel you have to read or reply until normal working hours.
Hello Galaxy SiG/CoP Representatives!
We had our first meeting and discussed a lot of stuff. We heard from Paul about a sweet tools widget & wordcloud generator, and then had an interesting discussion about how we use our Hub pages / exactly who they are aimed at… Tricky stuff!
📝Check the Meeting Notes doc<https://docs.google.com/document/d/19zv4rata-uVhFW43S8v_Fw83RVYq6jDGXy-1T8A…> to see everything we discussed.
We ran out of time to agree on follow-up, so I’m going to just propose the following:
⭐We identify what stuff is annoying<https://docs.google.com/document/d/19zv4rata-uVhFW43S8v_Fw83RVYq6jDGXy-1T8A…> / would make our lives easier (I’m hoping Nat W already has some data here!)
This is also helpful as, if we have future meetings, I’d like to target audiences effectively - i.e. if a CoP doesn’t deal with users, having a discussion about user-pages isn’t useful for them, etc.
⭐ I have added four template docs to our 📁Folder of Googledocs<https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/190O6bbfXQ7fX3kVUiObTUj4nKojGw8Cu?us…> for groups/people to edit / add ideas to / collaborate in advance of future meetings
👉🏾CoP Hub page template<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wXiCcZHwMEafb8DMT1LLZ84Mu-0tHPH71Vgec0u…>
👉🏾Post-meeting emails / reminder emails text<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SWdAyfSMhSvsD60wVXGTrrfdky2RWjzo56Cvjwj…>
👉🏾Subdomain page brainstorming / future template<https://docs.google.com/document/d/10-H-_R58jhW9BIxyJEv9hY9TMz3_BZlq1rkp3In…>
👉🏾Tool requests<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f2gq6r4fywryIwaBS92e6LUBiTrK02YOUmR…> ← How do you all collect user requests?
⭐Add any other template docs (or starter template docs!) you think are/could/would be useful.
⭐I brought our questions on the user journey / how people interact with hub / training / domain pages to the GOATS to try and get metrics to understand what our audiences are / should be / could be. This will help us build useful pages. In the meantime, we can specify sections based on audience desired and just hide them or show them as needed for each individual domain.
📭Join our mailing list<https://lists.galaxyproject.org/lists/sig-chairs.lists.galaxyproject.org/> to receive notes in the future!
Future Meeting
I propose that we have another meeting wherein we have two objectives:
1 - Collect thoughts / brainstorm / come up with ideal Subdomain pages (Subdomain page brainstorming / future template<https://docs.google.com/document/d/10-H-_R58jhW9BIxyJEv9hY9TMz3_BZlq1rkp3In…>) and
2 - Decide what problem (from our communal gripes!) to solve next, and/or (ideally!) share current solutions to each other’s problems we may already have
I also propose an alternating timeline of 8am, 1pm, and 5pm (London-time) meetings to hit all the time-zones and caring responsibility issues effectively. To avoid doodlepolls, lengthy email chains, and to block calendars now, I have put in recurring, every-3-month meetings into the Galaxy-WG calendar. Why 3 months? To reduce meeting burden and emphasise doing stuff to streamline/improve processes. A lot of this at the moment is remote work rather than meeting work.
We can decide at each meeting a) whether we even want a future meeting; and b) if the day/time works for people.
Next meeting
👋🏾Tuesday, Feb 6, at 13:00-London time. [Let me know if this doesn’t work!]
Add your name to our calendar list<https://docs.google.com/document/d/19zv4rata-uVhFW43S8v_Fw83RVYq6jDGXy-1T8A…> if you want to be included on future calendar invites. Meetings are currently on the Galaxy Working Group GoogleCalendar<https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=f6b4dbe4aa3d7076e740e4198aa4…>.
📝Meeting Notes doc<https://docs.google.com/document/d/19zv4rata-uVhFW43S8v_Fw83RVYq6jDGXy-1T8A…>
Wendi Bacon (she/her)
Senior Lecturer in Health Sciences<https://www.open.ac.uk/people/wb2845>
School of Life, Health & Chemical Sciences | Faculty of STEM
The Open University | Milton Keynes MK7 6AA | United Kingdom
Galaxy Single Cell Maintainer<https://training.galaxyproject.org/training-material/hall-of-fame/nomadscie…>
Better Martial Arts<https://better-martial-arts.org/>
I sometimes work flexibly so if you have received an email from me outside of normal business hours, I’m sending it at a time that suits me. Please do not feel you have to read or reply until normal working hours.