Hello 🪑GCB! Galaxy Community Board At our last meeting in June, we discussed what we wanted to get from GCC and how we wanted to plan our time for the next year (📝Meeting notes<https://docs.google.com/document/d/19zv4rata-uVhFW43S8v_Fw83RVYq6jDGXy-1T8Aju4s/edit?usp=sharing>). Key is collectively engaging with the governance structure to evoke change to benefit our communities. The Galaxy Executive Board is trialling a new ‘roadmap’ process to collect community needs to help direct long-term planning. We will therefore use our next meeting to engage with this. Or, in sum, bring your community needs! Actions ⭐Consider this spreadsheet<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Oo78Inlg89y-j5vNCBjGVWKFf9sXt1EP-mAcjbkktuI/edit?usp=sharing> and what could help your community! ⭐Continue building exciting and brilliant communities! Next meeting 👋🏾Tuesday, September 3 @ 8AM-London Check the 🗓️GCB GoogleCalendar<https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?height=600&wkst=1&ctz=Europe%2FLondon&bgcolor=%23ffffff&mode=AGENDA&showPrint=0&title=Galaxy%20Community%20Board&src=MDQwNDY2MDRhNGYxODE2NDk0MjBkYTQzMzUzMTBkN2E1MmQxMGJmNDkxNDgwMGEyZjNhYjEzZWE0ZWY3MzEyY0Bncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t&color=%23F6BF26%22%20style=%22border:solid%201px%20#777%22%20width=%22800%22%20height=%22600%22%20frameborder=%220%22%20scrolling=%22no%22> Cheers! -- [cidimage001.png@01D7311B.5DCF6570] [cidimage002.png@01D7311B.5DCF6570] Wendi Bacon (she/her) Senior Lecturer in Health Sciences<https://www.open.ac.uk/people/wb2845> School of Life, Health & Chemical Sciences | Faculty of STEM The Open University | Milton Keynes MK7 6AA | United Kingdom Galaxy Single-Cell & Spatial Omics<https://galaxyproject.org/community/sig/singlecell/> Better Martial Arts<https://better-martial-arts.org/> I sometimes work flexibly so if you have received an email from me outside of normal business hours, I’m sending it at a time that suits me. Please do not feel you have to read or reply until normal working hours.
participants (1)
Wendi.Bacon [She/Her]