Hello Galaxy
Single-cell & sPatial Omics Community of practice
What a fantastic year it has been for us! Our annual space-themed year-in-review post is in a PR, we’ve had numerous events, we have a fancy new
community contributions page on the way, and
enthusiasm across ELIXIR groups and globally thanks to our CoFest and commitment to sustainability, teamwork, and making things usable. Most of all, we have genuine smiles and laughter in our meetings, which makes SPOC a nice (virtual) place to work. Fantastic
job team!
Check the
📝Meeting Notes
doc for full details!
results post! We should do it again!
📣WB has done a general click-up/notes tidy-up/communications clean-up
to join SPOC instructions tab for easy dissemination for new members
when you joined SPOC here, and other missing metadata
⭐️Check (and later, share!) our annual blog post:
PR is here and the final post will (eventually)
be found here: https://training.galaxyproject.org/training-material/news/2024-12-18-spoc.html
⭐️Up-vote (or action) this issue around data integration between hub & GTN:
⭐️Think of any other ELIXIR All-Hands workshop ideas you might want help with, due mid-Jan
ideas/thoughts to this idea on collectively building a single-cell learning community
⭐️Check single cell site and raise issues / ideas on its view / function on the galaxy-labs-engine repo:
https://github.com/usegalaxy-au/galaxy-labs-engine. If
anyone is interested in substantially contributing to that repo, please message there! I bet Cam would be delighted to have help!
⭐️Rollover from previous meeting: How do we automate that any single-cell tools in the toolshed get into (all) of our single-cell
subdomains? Installed, and also placed in a reasonable subcategory? Pavan to start looking at this, but is going to require global teamwork.
ClickUp card created
⭐️Write-a-thon writers - write! Want a full draft for January!
🔺Feedback for Galaxy Governance: Save Helena! WB posted to GCB on 18-December. To follow up after next GCB meeting and report
✅Update our
Click-Up Site! with what you’re working on, even
if you can’t/didn’t make the meetings
✅Answer any unanswered queries on our
Galaxy single-cell help forum
✅Run an event? Give a presentation? Do literally anything with our community? Make sure to write a blog post!
There’s a googleform widget to make this super
fast! Tag it single-cell!
⭐Have an EXCELLENT break, get some much-needed rest, and we’ll see you in February for our next meeting!
To discuss next time
Planning the next CoFest?
Metadata for tracking community contributions (presentations & publications tagging)
Next meeting
Outlook Calendar (Embed)
Wendi Bacon (she/her)
Senior Lecturer in Health Sciences
School of Life, Health & Chemical Sciences | Faculty of STEM
The Open University | Milton Keynes MK7 6AA | United Kingdom
the Galaxy single-cell training materials!
Galaxy Contributor |
Single-cell & sPatial Omics Community Chair
Community Board Chair |
Executive Board
I sometimes work flexibly so if you have received an email from me outside of normal business hours, I’m sending it at a time that suits me.
Please do not feel you have to read or reply until normal working hours.