Hello 🖖🏾SPOC! Single-cell & sPatial Omics Community of practice This is your mid-meeting reminder, occurring halfway between meetings! Help 🆘Monocle3 Batch Request tool<https://app.clickup.com/t/86byeze3p> - can someone please wrap this? It’s the last thing needed to make this toolsuite usable 🆘DropletUtils bug<https://app.clickup.com/t/86c087z08> - can someone please fix this? Actions ⭐️Add feedback on our latest subdomain relaunch here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-WvYUJ3ui2-df_Pj7e1kICbd3jfmpUMlmkXRuDAe6IM/edit?usp=sharing> (Subdomain link included) ⭐️Join the new SPOC chat room<https://matrix.to/#/#spoc3:matrix.org> if you haven’t already! ⭐️Fill our this (super short) survey on how often you deliver training: https://forms.gle/XDALeT5sxWDS8X756 ⭐️Please help with scRNA-seq for the Galaxy Training Academy (Pavan leading this) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19yNebTTMhrMDl6863QT1puOgtNasQKIvSXWV... ⭐️By Sept 18th: Request what we want from the Galaxy ecosystem on this page<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Oo78Inlg89y-j5vNCBjGVWKFf9sXt1EP-mAcjbkktuI/edit?usp=sharing> as part of a Roadmap exercise ✅Update our Click-Up<https://app.clickup.com/9015477668/v/li/901504482819> with what you’re working on, even if you can’t/didn’t make the meetings ✅Answer any unanswered queries on our Galaxy single-cell help forum<https://help.galaxyproject.org/tag/single-cell/l/latest> ⭐Continue doing ace work for the Galaxy single & spatial community! Notice For Tool Developers 💫Put new tools into tool panel here (https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy_codex/tree/main/subdomains/singlecel...) so they end up on all servers doing ‘single-cell’ 💫Make sure you add ‘Single Cell’ and ‘Spatial Omics’ to new tools as your tool metadata as we’re going to use this for automation purposes later Next meeting 👋🏾https://arewemeetingyet.com/London/2024-10-01/13:00/SPOCtober 🗓️SPOC Google Calendar<https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=galaxy.sc.cop%40gmail.com&ctz=Europe%2FLondon> 🗓️SPOC Outlook Calendar (Embed)<https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/galaxy.sc.cop%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics> 📝Meeting Notes doc<https://docs.google.com/document/d/19W--oeFoEgfZbw9MWvky_A__554th-VG3ryOqtfmHSA/edit?usp=sharing> See you then! Wendi -- [cidimage001.png@01D7311B.5DCF6570] [cidimage002.png@01D7311B.5DCF6570] Wendi Bacon (she/her) Senior Lecturer in Health Sciences<https://www.open.ac.uk/people/wb2845> School of Life, Health & Chemical Sciences | Faculty of STEM The Open University | Milton Keynes MK7 6AA | United Kingdom Galaxy Single-Cell & Spatial Omics<https://galaxyproject.org/community/sig/singlecell/> Better Martial Arts<https://better-martial-arts.org/> I sometimes work flexibly so if you have received an email from me outside of normal business hours, I’m sending it at a time that suits me. Please do not feel you have to read or reply until normal working hours.
participants (1)
Wendi.Bacon [She/Her]