Dear All I am sorry about the delay in sending out the reminder for our meeting - We are in the middle of moving our institute to a new building ..... Tomorrow, we will meet again at 3PM CET (2PM UTC) zoom link: https://fmi.zoom.us/j/98073380544?pwd=NnRFemhtWUJFeEhvRU5Wbk5TKzY5QT09 One topic will be the outcome of Vlad's poll ("Time per week necessary for admin"). Helena has also already added a point to discus - Thank You. Please add any other topic you would like to bring up to the minutes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KTz4qxZBG4Z3sF23dVKPWXYz1mCNo2YDygSUHqtA... Regards, Hans-Rudolf PS: the upcoming calls for your calendar: 16. May 3PM CEST (1PM UTC) 18. July - we will probably replace this one with a BoF at GCC 19. September 3PM CEST (1PM UTC) 21. November 3PM CET (2PM UTC)