Dear participant of GTN Smorgasbord 2022: Tapas Edition, I hope this email finds you all well. It has been a little over 6 months since you participated in this Galaxy training event, and we would like to ask you to fill out a short survey about the impact of this training. Survey: https://forms.gle/im71vQU6327FRA1x7 This data helps us improve the event in the future, and enables us to keep running this event for free on an annual basis. We also hope to be able to announce the dates for 2023 Edition of this course soon, so keep an eye on Slack <https://join.slack.com/t/gtnsmrgsbord/shared_invite/zt-x7vinbs1-BA~Kht6N86JBhDq0uTIVdQ>, Twitter <https://twitter.com/gxytraining>, and the Galaxy mailing lists <https://galaxyproject.org/mailing-lists/> if you would like to participate again! All the best, Saskia & Helena P.S. If you would like to participate in the Galaxy community but need some help getting started, please check out the new Galaxy Mentor Network! <https://galaxy-mentor-network.netlify.app/> --- Saskia Hiltemann (she/her) Postdoctoral Researcher @ Erasmus Medical Center While I may be sending this email outside my normal office hours, I have no expectation to receive a reply outside of yours.
participants (1)
Saskia Hiltemann