Hi All! Thanks again for joining the training event on May 22-26. This mail is the last we will send, and contains information about your certificates and a final request for feedback. *Feedback Form* It would be extremely helpful for us (like, seriously, super duper helpful) if you could fill out our feedback form <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdth4MopsMalwye3jMl1xUhL-P-ZPOC6QYnzbDAxEhTTi1QkA/viewform> (~5 minutes) with your thoughts about the course, we hope to keep being able to provide this event for free in future years, and your feedback helps to do that, and your thoughts and suggestions are very valuable to improve the event! *Certificates* For those of you who requested a certificate, you should have gotten * a message from the bot on Slack with your certificate. * All the certificates can also be found in this Google drive folder <https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1E92L-gP9dBWpCsLxVj0XBlgRWBI0QlQe?usp=sharing> Any questions about certificates can be asked in #support-certificates <https://gtnsmrgsbord.slack.com/archives/C05C5FRDR5F>in Slack (and some common ones are answered below) Kind regards, Saskia Hiltemann *Q: Help, my name is incorrect on my certificate!* *A:* You probably forgot to run the */request-certificate* command to supply your name to the bot, so we defaulted to your Slack username or ID. We can fix your name if needed, please let us know in #support-certificates <https://gtnsmrgsbord.slack.com/archives/C05C5FRDR5F> in Slack. *Q: It says my certificate was rejected!* *A: *You either supplied invalid history links, or there was something else wrong with the history (empty, not shared, deleted, copied from another person, contents didn't match the tutorial, etc). If you feel this was a mistake, please contact us in #support-certificates <https://gtnsmrgsbord.slack.com/archives/C05C5FRDR5F> in Slack and we will help you fix it. *Q: A tutorial is missing from my certificate!* *A:* It may be that you submitted your history to the wrong channel by accident, or there was a problem with your history. If you feel that a tutorial should be added to your certificate, contact us in #support-certificates <https://gtnsmrgsbord.slack.com/archives/C05C5FRDR5F> in Slack and we will see if we can fix it. --- Saskia Hiltemann (she/her) Postdoctoral Researcher @ Erasmus Medical Center While I may be sending this email outside my normal office hours, I have no expectation to receive a reply outside of yours.