GTN Smörgåsbord: 1 week to go!

Hello GTN Smörgåsbord 3 Participants! Thank you for joining us for the upcoming training event *GTN Smörgåsbord 3 NEXT WEEK *(*May 22-26)!* We are happy to announce that this year's program will include new modules on Bioconductor & R <>, RO-crates <>, and a One Health <> module, as well as many new or updated videos in the other modules! Everything you need to know about the course, including the (draft) program, is listed on the course webpage <>. If you tried to join Slack previously but got a message that the link was expired, here is a new Slack invite link <>that should work. *At the start of the course..* When it is 22 May in your time zone and you are ready to start, go to the course webpage, and watch the intro video. We will explain the logistics for the week there. Afterwards, work your way through the rest of the "Welcome & Setup" section to get all the information you need to get the most out of the training week. And then it is time to get started! We provide a list of modules to choose from, find something that is interesting to you and just start the video and start learning at your own pace! If you are unsure where to start, just let us know in Slack and we can help you find something that fits your interests! *About Certificates* For those of you who would like to receive a certificate of attendance after the course, we have added more information about this to the course website. Like last year, we will use the Slack Certificate Bot for this. You can submit a link to your Galaxy history to the bot after each tutorial you complete, and at the end of the week you can use the bot to request your certificate. We will then create a *personalized certificate *for you, listing all the tutorials you completed during the week. It doesn't matter if you did 1 tutorial or 50, everybody who wants a certificate can get one! *Format* This event will be* at-your-own-pace *and *choose-your-own-adventure *style. We offer a large selection of tutorial videos and self-study materials, and you can pick and choose which ones to follow during the week based on your own interests and experience. The event will run 24/7 for 5 days, so you can start, stop and take breaks whenever is convenient for *you*. There will be a large team of instructors from the Galaxy community available 24/7 in Slack (chat) to help you with any questions you may have about the tutorials! *Slack* Come join us in Slack <> <>where all of the course discussion during the week will occur! Once you've signed up, you can introduce yourself in #social <>, ask any questions you may have ahead of the course, and meet your instructors and fellow participants! Some more information about how we will use Slack during this event can be found here <>. * (**Having problems joining Slack?* Let us know in our GTN Gitter channel <> or email us) *Galaxy* If you don't have a Galaxy account yet, you can already create one ahead of time (instructions <>). We recommend you pick one of the "big 3" servers (US, Europe, or Australia, whichever is closest to you) Looking forward to seeing you all in 1 week! Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions. Ciao, Helena & Saskia on behalf of the GTN Smörgåsbord organizing committee ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Practical Information When: May 22-26, 2023 (all time zones) Where: Online Costs: Free! Format: self-study using GTN training materials and video recordings. Support: on Slack (invite link <>) Website: link <> Format of the Course This is an *asynchronous* course. This means that all trainings have been pre-recorded, and you can work through these videos at your own pace and according to your own schedule during the week. This means you can start and stop at whatever times you want. You can skip tutorials that you already know, or that may not be so interesting for you. You can join all 5 days, or only 1. That is all up to you. Common Questions *Q: Will the materials stay available after the course?* A: Yes! Everything you need will stay online after the workshop so you can continue working on them for as long as you want. *Q: What is Slack?* A: Slack ( is a chat platform. So if you get stuck, you can ask your question on Slack, and one of our instructors will try to answer it. *Q: Do I need to install anything before the workshops?* A: No, all you will need is a web browser. We recommend a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Safari. (preferably not Internet Explorer) *Q: Can I get a certificate?* A: Yes, certificates of attendance will be available on request. It is explained on the schedule page. *Q: Will the videos be captioned?* A: Yes *Q: Can I do a tutorial on a different day than the schedule?* A: Yes, that is not a problem. You can do any tutorial on any day that you want! *Q: Can I do a tutorial that's not in the program?* A: Yes! you can do any tutorial from the GTN website <>. Please make sure to check the *"Available on these Galaxies"* section in the overview box of the tutorial to see which Galaxy servers support the tutorial. --- Saskia Hiltemann (she/her) Postdoctoral Researcher @ Erasmus Medical Center While I may be sending this email outside my normal office hours, I have no expectation to receive a reply outside of yours.

Dear participant, Since it is now Monday 22 May in the first parts of the world, that means Smörgåsbord 3 has now officially started! *Getting started* Whenever you are ready to start, please: 1. Open the course webpage <> 2. Watch the *welcome video* 3. Go through the rest of the Welcome & Setup section 4. Answer the first day's icebreaker question in Slack <> (#social <> channel) - You will find the icebreakers in the course webpage, there is a new question every day! 5. Start learning! Choose your first tutorial video and hit play! *Tutorial videos* - Each tutorial has its own Slack channel, you will find a link to it under the video. - Use this channel to ask your questions about the tutorial, or discuss about how to apply this to your own data! Or help your fellow participants with their questions if you know the answer! - Finished the tutorial? Tell us what you thought of it in this channel! Or just thank the speakers, everybody involved in this course is a volunteer who donated their time to make this event possible for you! *Certificates* - Everybody who wants a certificate can get one, no matter how many tutorials you complete - Use the certificate bot every time you finish a tutorial (instructions on course webpage) - *Prerequisites *for a certificate: 1. Have a registration for the course 2. Answer the icebreakers in Slack every day (and generally be active on Slack, ask questions, start discussions, help your fellow participants, etc) 3. Submit your Galaxy history (or other proof for tutorials outside Galaxy) to the bot for every tutorial you want listed on your certificate 4. Fill in the feedback form at the end of the week (wrap-up section) *Final Remarks* - Don't know which tutorial to follow? Ask us for recommendations, we are here to help! - Keep an eye on the #announcements <>channel in Slack, this is where we will provide important updates during the week - Have any off-topic discussions? Use the #random <> channel (e.g. for job openings) or #social <>channel (e.g. pictures of your cat (yes please!), need help with that one shrine in Zelda? anything goes here!) - Be excellent to each other! (Code of Conduct <>) - Have fun! Hope you enjoy the course, looking forward to seeing all of you over the course of the week! Ciao, Saskia & Helena *On behalf of the organizing committee* P.S. Below is the mail from earlier this week, with more information, for those of you who signed up last minute :) ---- Hello GTN Smörgåsbord 3 Participants! Thank you for joining us for the upcoming training event *GTN Smörgåsbord 3 NEXT WEEK *(*May 22-26)!* We are happy to announce that this year's program will include new modules on Bioconductor & R <>, RO-crates <>, and a One Health <> module, as well as many new or updated videos in the other modules! Everything you need to know about the course, including the (draft) program, is listed on the course webpage <>. If you tried to join Slack previously but got a message that the link was expired, here is a new Slack invite link <>that should work. *At the start of the course..* When it is 22 May in your time zone and you are ready to start, go to the course webpage, and watch the intro video. We will explain the logistics for the week there. Afterwards, work your way through the rest of the "Welcome & Setup" section to get all the information you need to get the most out of the training week. And then it is time to get started! We provide a list of modules to choose from, find something that is interesting to you and just start the video and start learning at your own pace! If you are unsure where to start, just let us know in Slack and we can help you find something that fits your interests! *About Certificates* For those of you who would like to receive a certificate of attendance after the course, we have added more information about this to the course website. Like last year, we will use the Slack Certificate Bot for this. You can submit a link to your Galaxy history to the bot after each tutorial you complete, and at the end of the week you can use the bot to request your certificate. We will then create a *personalized certificate *for you, listing all the tutorials you completed during the week. It doesn't matter if you did 1 tutorial or 50, everybody who wants a certificate can get one! *Format* This event will be* at-your-own-pace *and *choose-your-own-adventure *style. We offer a large selection of tutorial videos and self-study materials, and you can pick and choose which ones to follow during the week based on your own interests and experience. The event will run 24/7 for 5 days, so you can start, stop and take breaks whenever is convenient for *you*. There will be a large team of instructors from the Galaxy community available 24/7 in Slack (chat) to help you with any questions you may have about the tutorials! *Slack* Come join us in Slack <> <>where all of the course discussion during the week will occur! Once you've signed up, you can introduce yourself in #social <>, ask any questions you may have ahead of the course, and meet your instructors and fellow participants! Some more information about how we will use Slack during this event can be found here <>. * (**Having problems joining Slack?* Let us know in our GTN Gitter channel <> or email us) *Galaxy* If you don't have a Galaxy account yet, you can already create one ahead of time (instructions <>). We recommend you pick one of the "big 3" servers (US, Europe, or Australia, whichever is closest to you) Looking forward to seeing you all in 1 week! Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions. Ciao, Helena & Saskia on behalf of the GTN Smörgåsbord organizing committee ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Practical Information When: May 22-26, 2023 (all time zones) Where: Online Costs: Free! Format: self-study using GTN training materials and video recordings. Support: on Slack (invite link <>) Website: link <> Format of the Course This is an *asynchronous* course. This means that all trainings have been pre-recorded, and you can work through these videos at your own pace and according to your own schedule during the week. This means you can start and stop at whatever times you want. You can skip tutorials that you already know, or that may not be so interesting for you. You can join all 5 days, or only 1. That is all up to you. Common Questions *Q: Will the materials stay available after the course?* A: Yes! Everything you need will stay online after the workshop so you can continue working on them for as long as you want. *Q: What is Slack?* A: Slack ( is a chat platform. So if you get stuck, you can ask your question on Slack, and one of our instructors will try to answer it. *Q: Do I need to install anything before the workshops?* A: No, all you will need is a web browser. We recommend a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Safari. (preferably not Internet Explorer) *Q: Can I get a certificate?* A: Yes, certificates of attendance will be available on request. It is explained on the schedule page. *Q: Will the videos be captioned?* A: Yes *Q: Can I do a tutorial on a different day than the schedule?* A: Yes, that is not a problem. You can do any tutorial on any day that you want! *Q: Can I do a tutorial that's not in the program?* A: Yes! you can do any tutorial from the GTN website <>. Please make sure to check the *"Available on these Galaxies"* section in the overview box of the tutorial to see which Galaxy servers support the tutorial. *Q: I have limited/expensive internet access, can I still participate?* A: Yes, videos are optional, you can also follow the text-based instruction manuals. *Q: Is support available in my language?* A: Maybe. We have instructors from many different countries, we can make Slack channels specific to certain languages for you to connect with other participants and instructor in you own language (please let us know if you would like to request this for your language and we will do our best to create this) --- Saskia Hiltemann (she/her) Postdoctoral Researcher @ Erasmus Medical Center While I may be sending this email outside my normal office hours, I have no expectation to receive a reply outside of yours.

Apologies for those of you who tried to join Slack but could not, apparently Slack limits the number of people that can use a link to 400. Here is a new link that should be working: And for those who signed up today, below are some of the mails you missed with further information! ---- Dear participant, Since it is now Monday 22 May in the first parts of the world, that means Smörgåsbord 3 has now officially started! *Getting started* Whenever you are ready to start, please: 1. Open the course webpage <> 2. Watch the *welcome video* 3. Go through the rest of the Welcome & Setup section 4. Answer the first day's icebreaker question in Slack <> (#social <> channel) - You will find the icebreakers in the course webpage, there is a new question every day! 5. Start learning! Choose your first tutorial video and hit play! *Tutorial videos* - Each tutorial has its own Slack channel, you will find a link to it under the video. - Use this channel to ask your questions about the tutorial, or discuss about how to apply this to your own data! Or help your fellow participants with their questions if you know the answer! - Finished the tutorial? Tell us what you thought of it in this channel! Or just thank the speakers, everybody involved in this course is a volunteer who donated their time to make this event possible for you! *Certificates* - Everybody who wants a certificate can get one, no matter how many tutorials you complete - Use the certificate bot every time you finish a tutorial (instructions on course webpage) - *Prerequisites *for a certificate: 1. Have a registration for the course 2. Answer the icebreakers in Slack every day (and generally be active on Slack, ask questions, start discussions, help your fellow participants, etc) 3. Submit your Galaxy history (or other proof for tutorials outside Galaxy) to the bot for every tutorial you want listed on your certificate 4. Fill in the feedback form at the end of the week (wrap-up section) *Final Remarks* - Don't know which tutorial to follow? Ask us for recommendations, we are here to help! - Keep an eye on the #announcements <>channel in Slack, this is where we will provide important updates during the week - Have any off-topic discussions? Use the #random <> channel (e.g. for job openings) or #social <>channel (e.g. pictures of your cat (yes please!), need help with that one shrine in Zelda? anything goes here!) - Be excellent to each other! (Code of Conduct <>) - Have fun! Hope you enjoy the course, looking forward to seeing all of you over the course of the week! Ciao, Saskia & Helena *On behalf of the organizing committee* P.S. Below is the mail from earlier this week, with more information, for those of you who signed up last minute :) ---- Hello GTN Smörgåsbord 3 Participants! Thank you for joining us for the upcoming training event *GTN Smörgåsbord 3 NEXT WEEK *(*May 22-26)!* We are happy to announce that this year's program will include new modules on Bioconductor & R <>, RO-crates <>, and a One Health <> module, as well as many new or updated videos in the other modules! Everything you need to know about the course, including the (draft) program, is listed on the course webpage <>. If you tried to join Slack previously but got a message that the link was expired, here is a new Slack invite link <>that should work. *At the start of the course..* When it is 22 May in your time zone and you are ready to start, go to the course webpage, and watch the intro video. We will explain the logistics for the week there. Afterwards, work your way through the rest of the "Welcome & Setup" section to get all the information you need to get the most out of the training week. And then it is time to get started! We provide a list of modules to choose from, find something that is interesting to you and just start the video and start learning at your own pace! If you are unsure where to start, just let us know in Slack and we can help you find something that fits your interests! *About Certificates* For those of you who would like to receive a certificate of attendance after the course, we have added more information about this to the course website. Like last year, we will use the Slack Certificate Bot for this. You can submit a link to your Galaxy history to the bot after each tutorial you complete, and at the end of the week you can use the bot to request your certificate. We will then create a *personalized certificate *for you, listing all the tutorials you completed during the week. It doesn't matter if you did 1 tutorial or 50, everybody who wants a certificate can get one! *Format* This event will be* at-your-own-pace *and *choose-your-own-adventure *style. We offer a large selection of tutorial videos and self-study materials, and you can pick and choose which ones to follow during the week based on your own interests and experience. The event will run 24/7 for 5 days, so you can start, stop and take breaks whenever is convenient for *you*. There will be a large team of instructors from the Galaxy community available 24/7 in Slack (chat) to help you with any questions you may have about the tutorials! *Slack* Come join us in Slack <> <>where all of the course discussion during the week will occur! Once you've signed up, you can introduce yourself in #social <>, ask any questions you may have ahead of the course, and meet your instructors and fellow participants! Some more information about how we will use Slack during this event can be found here <>. * (**Having problems joining Slack?* Let us know in our GTN Gitter channel <> or email us) *Galaxy* If you don't have a Galaxy account yet, you can already create one ahead of time (instructions <>). We recommend you pick one of the "big 3" servers (US, Europe, or Australia, whichever is closest to you) Looking forward to seeing you all in 1 week! Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions. Ciao, Helena & Saskia on behalf of the GTN Smörgåsbord organizing committee ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Practical Information When: May 22-26, 2023 (all time zones) Where: Online Costs: Free! Format: self-study using GTN training materials and video recordings. Support: on Slack (invite link <>) Website: link <> Format of the Course This is an *asynchronous* course. This means that all trainings have been pre-recorded, and you can work through these videos at your own pace and according to your own schedule during the week. This means you can start and stop at whatever times you want. You can skip tutorials that you already know, or that may not be so interesting for you. You can join all 5 days, or only 1. That is all up to you. Common Questions *Q: Will the materials stay available after the course?* A: Yes! Everything you need will stay online after the workshop so you can continue working on them for as long as you want. *Q: What is Slack?* A: Slack ( is a chat platform. So if you get stuck, you can ask your question on Slack, and one of our instructors will try to answer it. *Q: Do I need to install anything before the workshops?* A: No, all you will need is a web browser. We recommend a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Safari. (preferably not Internet Explorer) *Q: Can I get a certificate?* A: Yes, certificates of attendance will be available on request. It is explained on the schedule page. *Q: Will the videos be captioned?* A: Yes *Q: Can I do a tutorial on a different day than the schedule?* A: Yes, that is not a problem. You can do any tutorial on any day that you want! *Q: Can I do a tutorial that's not in the program?* A: Yes! you can do any tutorial from the GTN website <>. Please make sure to check the *"Available on these Galaxies"* section in the overview box of the tutorial to see which Galaxy servers support the tutorial. *Q: I have limited/expensive internet access, can I still participate?* A: Yes, videos are optional, you can also follow the text-based instruction manuals. *Q: Is support available in my language?* A: Maybe. We have instructors from many different countries, we can make Slack channels specific to certain languages for you to connect with other participants and instructor in you own language (please let us know if you would like to request this for your language and we will do our best to create this) --- Saskia Hiltemann (she/her) Postdoctoral Researcher @ Erasmus Medical Center While I may be sending this email outside my normal office hours, I have no expectation to receive a reply outside of yours.
participants (1)
Saskia Hiltemann