Dear WG leads: Please share your Q2 plans with us by adding a link to the WG spreadsheet (link below; there is a new sheet called "Q2 2021"). Instead of breaking a year into quarters we will instead work on a four month cycle to match the overall Galaxy release cycle. So the cycle that just began will end in August. We will have two 2-hour meetings: one mid-cycle (second week of June) and one at the end (August). Each meeting will be ~2 hours to give enough time for presentation and discussion for each WG. These will be scheduled to accommodate world time zones. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWUpoxyMQ1KU8eb8G7XEnP8AmYCgRtCBSuWj... Thank you all! a. PS To avoid the perception of "conspiracy" (something I am widely known for) I also shared this to wg-all Gitter Channel. Anton Nekrutenko Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Penn State University *http://nekrut.bx.psu.edu <http://nekrut.bx.psu.edu>* (814) 826-9628