Hello all, The November newsletter is out: https://galaxyproject.org/news/2020-11-galaxy-update/ Topics: * JXTX: The James P. Taylor Foundation for Open Science New name, and meet our first awardees * Event news Lots of them, with one starting today (if you are in Australia / East Asia) Galaxy Admin Training will be in late January * Galaxy platform news GalaxyTrakr, Galaxy Africa, Australia, Europe, and UseGalaxy.* * Blog post Advanced Microbiology with Galaxy and TIaaS at Strathclyde * Training material and doc updates Metaproteomics, calling variants, and auto-generated video (!) * Publications Pub curation is on hiatus, but some pubs just can't be ignored :-) * Open positions At 8 organizations. (Yes eight!) * New releases The new Galaxy Language Server Thanks for using Galaxy, Dave C and Beatriz -- https://galaxyproject.org/