أرشيف للقائمة البريدية جالاكسي بالعربية يحتوي على الاخبار والمناقشات والاعلانات الخاصة بمستخدمي جالاكسي من البلاد الناطقة بالعربية نرحب بانضمام أي شخص مهتم بالجلاكسي بلاتفورم |
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Galaxy Arabic community. Galaxy Arabic supports and promotes Galaxy activity for the Arabic speaking community and in Arabic speaking regions of the world.
If you are interested in joining the community, please
Follow @Galaxy_Arabic on Twitter
Join the Galaxy Arabic mailing list. Regional Galaxy news will be posted here, and you can also ask fellow Arabic speakers support questions.
Join the Galaxy Arabic Facebook group
We look forward to connecting and growing the Arabic speaking Galaxy community.
Abdelazeem Abdelhameed and Dave Clements