Branch: refs/heads/dev Home: Commit: b9e4bf58c5b656089ac8402632677503e6a86c65 Author: Lance Parsons <> Date: 2016-10-13 (Thu, 13 Oct 2016) Changed paths: M lib/galaxy/datatypes/converters/bam_to_bigwig_converter.xml Log Message: ----------- Sort bedtools output in bam_to_bigwig conversion Bedtools genomecov seems to output bedgraph files with chromosomes sorted in the order given in the chromInfo file. This can cause issues with bedGraphToBigWig which requires them sorted in a specific way. Fixes #2582. Commit: 9e1331f1b37a40d8894fc724bb745589bc5e213b Author: John Chilton <> Date: 2016-10-31 (Mon, 31 Oct 2016) Changed paths: M lib/galaxy/datatypes/converters/bam_to_bigwig_converter.xml Log Message: ----------- Merge pull request #3049 from lparsons/bam_to_bigwig Sort bedtools output in bam_to_bigwig conversion Compare: