Hello Pieter, I've added the following Trello card for this issue - we'll take a looke as soon as possible. https://trello.com/c/LZ3Lj9ye/125-problem-with-adding-deleting-adding-readme... Thanks for reporing this, Greg Von Kuster On Dec 30, 2013, at 8:09 AM, "Lukasse, Pieter" <pieter.lukasse@wur.nl> wrote:
Hi Greg,
I found an issue in Toolshed, not sure if it has been reported before.
1- Make a repository and add a tool .xml and a README file 2- Reset metadata and check if all information appears in the toolshed UI 3- Now delete the README file from the hg repository 4- Commit 5- (not sure whether I did this step) reset metadata 6- Now add the README file back but with different contents. Commit, reset metadata 7- In the toolshed UI you will see that the OLD REAME contents are displayed.
This is just one example...I have the feeling it is not restricted to the README files of course...so it can be quite a serious issue.
Pieter Lukasse
Wageningen UR, Plant Research International
Departments of Bioscience and Bioinformatics
Wageningen Campus, Building 107, Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708 PB, Wageningen, the Netherlands
+31-317481122; skype: pieter.lukasse.wur