Whatever the file type I set for the gff file (gff3, gff or gtf), I get the transcript_id error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pgtgal/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/datatypes/converters/interval_to_fli.py", line 91, in main() File "/home/pgtgal/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/datatypes/converters/interval_to_fli.py", line 30, in main for feature in read_unordered_gtf( open( in_fname, 'r' ) ): File "/home/pgtgal/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/datatypes/util/gff_util.py", line 375, in read_unordered_gtf transcript_id = line_attrs[ 'transcript_id' ] KeyError: 'transcript_id'
This was due to an incomplete feature. Turns out that GFF support hadn't been included in feature search; I've added it in -central changeset fa045aad74e9: https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/changeset/fa045aad74e90f16995e0c...
Is the gff file not correct?
I believe there is an issue with your GFF: it is using non-standard identifiers in the attributes (last) column. To the best of my knowledge, 'name' is not a valid field for connecting features in GFF3 (which is my best guess for the file version), but your GFF uses this field anyways. To fix this issue, I replaced 'name' with 'ID' (which is compliant GFF3) from the command line: -- % sed s/name/ID/ ~/Downloads/test.gff > ~/Downloads/test_with_ids.gff -- and this fixed the issue. Finally, there is a sed wrapper in the toolshed should you want to do this conversion in Galaxy: http://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repository/browse_categories?sort=name&operation=view_or_manage_repository&f-deleted=False&f-free-text-search=sed&id=9652a50c5a932f3e Best, J.