Hello, We are incurring a problem with cleanup.py: We have already run two cycles of cleanup.py (1-6) with a cut off of 30 days, we see in the logs that many datasets are deleted, but when we do df -kh to check the file system, we see creeping up utilization of space - no relinquishing of any space. We are running in a docker environment and our cleanup job looks as follows: ================================================================ #!/bin/bash export GALAXY_VIRTUAL_ENV=/galaxy_venv source $GALAXY_VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/activate export script="/galaxy-central/scripts/cleanup_datasets/cleanup_datasets.py" export config="/etc/galaxy/galaxy.ini" export logdir="/export/galaxy-central/logs" export days=30 export num=$1 nohup $script $config -d $days -$num -r -f >> $logdir/cleanup$num.log & ================================================================ and we run it with ./run_cleanup.sh 1 or 2, 3 etc. Any ideas ? Thanks! George Weingart PhD Huttenhower Lab Harvard School of Public Health