In this case, I think appearing in the main frame should be the default. This is overridden in the tool config by specifying a target attribute for the inputs element, e.g.
<inputs action="" check_values="false" method="get" target="_top"> <display>go to Flymine server $GALAXY_URL</display> <param name="GALAXY_URL" type="baseurl" value="/tool_runner? tool_id=flymine" /> </inputs>
(See target="_top" on the first line which loads at the top level window).
Do you have a target specified in your tool config? To default to galaxy_main, it should just be missing.
On Dec 31, 2009, at 12:28 AM, Kanwei Li wrote:
Hi Chris,
You may do this by using the "target" attribute in your anchor tag, like so:
<a href="url" target="galaxy_main">Link text</a>
Please let me know if this doesn't work.
On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 9:30 AM, Chris Zaleski wrote:
I have implemented a tool to export data to an external site. I used "tools/data_destination/epigraph.xml" as a template & this works nicely. I am simply wondering if there is a way to control the destination frame of the external website. Currently the entire window is replaced. If possible, I would like it to appear in the content area (galaxy_main?), similar to the way many of the "Get Data" tools work (eg: UCSC Main).
Thanks very much, Chris Zaleski
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