Hi all, Last week at the Galaxy Admins video hangout Nate gave an overview of the way Python dependency handling is changing from using egg files to using wheel files instead - slide links at: https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Community/GalaxyAdmins/Meetups/2016_02_18 I understand the Galaxy v16.01 (2016 January feature freeze) release which switches from eggs to wheels is due out shortly - hopefully this week? Recently we've been trying to setup a replacement Galaxy instance where jobs are submitted to our SGE cluster as the linux user requesting the job. This has been a bumpy road, e.g. http://dev.list.galaxyproject.org/Python-on-cluster-for-setting-metadata-aft... Right now we've run into a problem with the metadata scripts trying to access ~/.python-eggs and going back over the archives it looks like we may need to set $PYTHON_EGG_CACHE to a temp folder on a per-node per-user basis, see e.g. http://dev.list.galaxyproject.org/python-egg-cache-exists-error-tt4656276.ht... Sadly the wiki does not cover this aspect of running jobs as the real user (but the egg settings are about to be obsolete): https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Admin/Config/Performance/Cluster#Submitting_J... Clearly with Galaxy v16.01 the eggs and $PYTHON_EGG_CACHE will go away. What happens with wheels, Python virtual environments, and running jobs as the real user? Thanks, Peter