Hi. Resending because I got no response. Can anybody suggest anything that might explain this, or tell me how I can troubleshoot? Where to look in the Python code? Whether anybody has seen anything like this? Our beta tester can't actually test anything. This occurs whether he does the "FTP-style" upload or uploads through the browser. Thanks, -Amir Karger On 10/23/12 2:42 PM, "Karger, Amir" <Amir_Karger@hms.harvard.edu> wrote:
I'm using Galaxy from June, 2012. (Sorry if there's already a fix.)
We've got it "working" in production. We've gotten whole pipelines to run. However, we occasionally get situations where we upload file (using the FTP mechanism), which seems to be fine, but then I can't get to the data. I went to Saved Histories, and selected Switch, and it outlined the line in blue and wrote "current history" next to it. But the right pane still shows "Unnamed history" with no data in it. Then if I go back to Saved Histories, I get one or two new Unnamed histories, created within the last few minutes.
I just tried to "View" the history, which worked (in the middle pane) and clicked "import and start using history". This seemed to work, but I got three panes inside the middle pane! When I go back (again) to saved histories, there are 3 histories - one the imported one with 2 steps, two unnamed histories, all created < 1 minute ago.
We just asked a beta tester to play with things, and he uploaded two fastqs, but had what sounds like a similar problem.
Any thoughts on what's happening?
-Amir Karger Research Computing Harvard Medical School