Dear All, Last week, Google announced this years’ Google Summer of Code (GSoC). GSoC is a global, online program focused on bringing new contributors into open source software development. GSoC contributors work with an open source organization on a 12+ week programming project under the guidance of mentors. The Open Genome Informatics team, which I administer with the help of Scott Cain and Marc Gillespie, serves as an “umbrella" organization to support the efforts of many open-access open-source bioinformatics projects for Google Summer of Code (GSoC<https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/>). The list of previously involved projects includes JBrowse, Reactome, Galaxy, WormBase, and others. Over the last 12 years, we have been submitting applications to particiapte in GSoC. We are seeking project ideas to post and attract talented contributors to this years’ Summer of Code competition. If you have a project idea for which you would like to mentor a student, please contact me, Marc or Scott. You can also submit your ideas here<http://gmod.org/wiki/GSOC_Project_Ideas_2023>. For more information, please refer to the Open Genome Informatics page on the GMOD.org website<http://gmod.org/wiki/GSoC>. The program is open to students and to beginners in open source software development. The length of the projects is 175 and 350-hours, and there is an option to extend the program from the standard 12 weeks up to 22 weeks. Applications for organizations will close on February 7, 2023 at 18:00 UTC. So, if you are interested in taking part with the team, please let us know as soon as possible. Please forward this to others who might be interested in taking part. If you have any questions, please let us know. Thanks, Robin, Scott, and Marc Robin Haw, PhD Program Manager – Genome Informatics and Computational Biology Tel: 647-260-7985 robin.haw@oicr.on.ca<mailto:robin.haw@oicr.on.ca> Adaptive Oncology Ontario Institute for Cancer Research MaRS Centre, 661 University Avenue, Suite 510, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 0A3 @OICR_news | oicr.on.ca<https://oicr.on.ca/> | genome informatics<https://oicr.on.ca/programs/genome-informatics/> | computational biology<https://oicr.on.ca/programs/computational-biology/> Collaborate. Translate. Change lives. This message and any attachments may contain confidential and/or privileged information for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review or distribution by anyone other than the person for whom it was originally intended is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please contact the sender and delete all copies. Opinions, conclusions or other information contained in this message may not be that of the organization.