Dear Sir I try to use Bowtie mapping in galaxy , I import my Illumina s_1_sequence.txt , then I try to use the convert my userName is my email 21: FASTQ Groomer on data 9 An error occurred running this job: /There was an error reading your input file. Your input file is likely malformed. It is suggested that you double-check your original input file for errors -- helpful information for this purpose has been provided below. However, if you think that you have/ but I do have for all the files an error I upload the data using URL http://home.adm.unige.ch/~prnfg/HowardRiezman/wt(RH%20448)%20s_1_sequence.tx... http://home.adm.unige.ch/~prnfg/HowardRiezman/9f-1B%20erg3%209f-10A-1B%20s_1... http://home.adm.unige.ch/~prnfg/HowardRiezman/13f-9D%20erg3%2013f-9D-9D%20s_... http://home.adm.unige.ch/~prnfg/HowardRiezman/13f-13B%20erg3%2013f-9D-13B%20... http://home.adm.unige.ch/~prnfg/HowardRiezman/erg3%20RH%205702%20erg3%20s_1_... http://home.adm.unige.ch/~prnfg/HowardRiezman/9f-3A%20erg3%209f-10A-3A%20s_1... Could you advice me ? Best regards