Hi, i all, my first post in the mailing list. I started one moth ago galaxy (at the conference) and the tool is really impressive. thx for it. I installed a local version of galaxy (http://ampere.ulb.ac.be), but i am having some trouble when uploading private data on it. Here is the procedure i followed: 1/ I got sra samples from ncbi: http://trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Traces/sra/?study=ERP000546 2/ i transformed these sra in fastq format using the sratoolkit https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/wiki/DataLibraries/UploadingFile... --> this provides me fastq files of 25Gb 3/ PROBLEMS: a/ IF I try to upload the data set using an URL in upload file (I created a controller here: http://insilico.ulb.ac.be/publicutilities/sendonthefly?url=/fs1-ampere/Genom...) then only 155Mb are uploaded to galaxy (and no error) b/ if i try to follow that method: https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/wiki/DataLibraries/UploadingFile... and i try to get data from the server, the menu "upload files from filesystem paths" and "upload directory of files" are not present. ==> no way to access these files locally any hints for that? thx Colin