Hello, I am Shamse Tasnim Cynthia, currently pursuing my M.Sc in Computer Science at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, under the supervision of Dr. Banani Roy. My current thesis work involves working on adaptive user interfaces for Software Workflow Management Systems. It has been found that existing SWFMSs do not provide special interaction techniques or visual elements to assist with composing complex workflows and do not consider scientists' preferences based on domain expertise, gender, or other individual preferences. To overcome this, we want to investigate how user preferences will affect modelling in different environments. In this regard, I need user data to analyze user preferences and investigate usage logs to refine the user model. Galaxy, being the most popular SWfMS which is installed on over 168 research servers worldwide, certainly holds a huge amount of user data that can be used in my research. Therefore, it will be very helpful for me if I can get the data to complete my research work and it will be a great opportunity for me to contribute to the Software Workflow developing community. Thank you. Regards Shamse Tasnim Cynthia iSE Lab Department of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Contact: uji657@usask.ca tasnim.cynthia99@gmail.com