My use case involves working with a lot of histories, and I need to jump back and forth between them fairly frequently. However, it's a bit inconvenient to have to click on the "Options" button on the rightmost pane, "Saved Histories" in the drop-down menu, and select my history on the main pane. An easier way to switch between histories that were recently used could definitely benefit me, and perhaps other people too.
I propose an easily accessible list with links to the 5 most recently visited histories.
This seems useful if implemented well. I envision a drop-down below the 'saved histories' menu item that appears on extended hover and provides links to recent histories. To implement I suggest: (a) create a SQLAlchemy query of user's histories sorted by last update time with limit N (e.g., 5) (b) provide this list to the index.mako template in the method (c) refresh the middle frame using handle_refresh_frames() code in message.mako To get started with Galaxy, you'll want to create a fork of galaxy-central and work locally. Once you have something that works, please issue a pull request. Thanks, J.