Hi, Two minor issues with user registration: 1. If a user registers with an invalid public name (e.g. "A. Gordon 12345") a confusing red error message is shown: "User name must contain only lower-case letters, numbers and '-'" It's confusing (IMHO) because a "user name" is usually associated with the name you're going to login with (which is the email in this case). The message should say "Public name must contain only...". It'll also be nice to remove the word "user" from the "Public User name" label. "User name" is one thing, "Public name" is another. "Public User Name" is confusing. 2. After seeing the red warning about a bad public name AND fixing the name, clicking "submit" still gives the same red error message about a bad public user name. Step to reproduce: 1. Go to main galaxy web site, select "Register" from the "user" menu. 2. Fill the fields with: email: anyname@domain.org password: 123456 confirm password: 123456 public user name: This.Is.an%Invalid-12345-Public-Name 3. Click "Submit" you'll get a red warning about an invalid user name. 4. change the public name to: ThisIsAValidPubLicName 5. Click "submit" you'll still get a red warning about an invalid user name. The only way around this is to clear the public name field, and leave it empty when registering. -gordon