Hi everyone, I'm currently setting up galaxy to run on top of AFS using torque for handling jobs. Everything is setup according to wiki documentation but I'm having a weird filesystem corruption problem. The setup is the following: machine A: runs galaxy. Galaxy home folder is on AFS. machine B: runs torque server and shares Galaxy's home folder. When I launch a process via galaxy everything works as expected but the output file becomes corrupted with 4kb of leading zero bytes (file NC_010473.tabular). This corruption is reproducible at all times, regardless of file size. In the attached example, the original file is NC_010473.faa. If I restart the openafs client or flush the AFS file cache the corruption goes away. However, if I re-run the same script created by galaxy through torque the corruption doesn't happen. Hence it only happens if launched via Galaxy. I also tried both the DRMAA and the PBS modules but the corruption remained. Does anyone know what could be the cause of this? Thanks, Renato