Hi Alex, Much thanks for your input. On 07/13/2011 02:31 PM, Bossers, Alex wrote:
as far as the xml goes. Yes it usually is accompanied by a py perl or bash script. However you could extract at least the user configurable options to gather input/output and setting parameters from the definition in the xml.
Well, I'm just afraid that in too many occations, the input param flags and order for the accompanying (py/sh/perl) script might not be identical to the command line tool itself (or do the toolconfig generally avoid changing the flags and their order?). Best // Samuel -- System Expert / Bioinformatician SNIC-UPPMAX / SciLifeLab Uppsala Uppsala University, Sweden -------------------------------------- E-mail: samuel.lampa@scilifelab.uu.se Phone: +46 (0)18 - 471 1060 WWW: http://www.uppmax.uu.se Uppnex: https://www.uppnex.uu.se