Hello all, I'd like to be able to write some simple <test> entries for some of the BLAST+ tools using composite datatypes as input or output (i.e. small BLAST databases). This doesn't seem to be mentioned or hinted at on the wiki: http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Admin/Tools/ToolConfigSyntax?action=show&redirect=Admin%2FTools%2FTool+Config+Syntax#A.3Ctest.3E_tag_set Is it possible to use a composite datatype as a test input? If so how? Normal datatypes are loaded into the test history using using the upload tool - does that mean I first need to extend the relevant datatypes to allow them to be uploaded? Example: Run blastp using a small query FASTA file and a small database, check the output (eg tabular). Is it possible to use a composite datatype as a test output? If so how? Example: Run makeblastdb using a small FASTA file, and check the output (a small BLAST database). Thanks, Peter