Hi, I am trying to view rat data (rn5) using trackster with data format bam or bigwig on our galaxy installation, but it isn't working. It works with other organisms, such as dm3 or hg19. There is error message in the log: - - [20/Nov/2013:16:14:21 +0200] "GET /galaxy-dev/api/genomes/rn5?low=0&num=100 HTTP/1.1" 200 - "http://gbcs-dev/galaxy-dev/visualization/trackster?dataset_id=83c20bbc7104922b&hda_ldda=hda" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_5) AppleWebKit/536.30.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0.5 Safari/536.30.1" - - [20/Nov/2013:16:14:21 +0200] "GET /galaxy-dev/api/datasets/83c20bbc7104922b?hda_ldda=hda&data_type=track_config HTTP/1.1" 200 - "http://gbcs-dev/galaxy-dev/visualization/trackster?dataset_id=83c20bbc7104922b&hda_ldda=hda" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_5) AppleWebKit/536.30.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0.5 Safari/536.30.1" galaxy.webapps.galaxy.api.datasets ERROR 2013-11-20 16:14:21,795 Error in dataset API at listing contents: 'BinaryFileReader' object has no attribute 'read_bits64': 'BinaryFileReader' object has no attribute 'read_bits64' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/g/funcgen/galaxy-dev/lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/api/datasets.py", line 44, in show is_true( kwd.get( 'retry', False ) ) ) File "/g/funcgen/galaxy-dev/lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/api/datasets.py", line 106, in _converted_datasets_state if not data_provider.has_data( chrom ): File "/g/funcgen/galaxy-dev/lib/galaxy/visualization/data_providers/genome.py", line 1078, in has_data all_dat = bbi.query( chrom, 0, 2147483647, 1 ) or \ File "bbi_file.pyx", line 215, in bx.bbi.bbi_file.BBIFile.query (lib/bx/bbi/bbi_file.c:5596) File "bbi_file.pyx", line 222, in bx.bbi.bbi_file.BBIFile.query (lib/bx/bbi/bbi_file.c:5210) File "bbi_file.pyx", line 183, in bx.bbi.bbi_file.BBIFile.summarize (lib/bx/bbi/bbi_file.c:4475) File "bbi_file.pyx", line 248, in bx.bbi.bbi_file.BBIFile._get_chrom_id_and_size (lib/bx/bbi/bbi_file.c:5656) File "bpt_file.pyx", line 76, in bx.bbi.bpt_file.BPTFile.find (lib/bx/bbi/bpt_file.c:1388) File "bpt_file.pyx", line 55, in bx.bbi.bpt_file.BPTFile.r_find (lib/bx/bbi/bpt_file.c:1154) AttributeError: 'BinaryFileReader' object has no attribute 'read_bits64' I also attached the first few lines in our rn5.len: chr1 290094216 chr2 285068071 chr4 248343840 chr3 183740530 chr5 177180328 chr6 156897508 chrX 154597545 chr7 143501887 chr8 132457389 chr9 121549591 chr13 118718031 chr14 115151701 chr15 114627140 chr10 112200500 chr11 93518069 chr17 92503511 chr16 90051983 chr18 87229863 chr19 72914587 chr20 57791882 chr12 54450796 chr4_AABR06109730_random 227955 chrUn_JH620568 73090 chr2_JH620298_random 62026 chr5_JH620330_random 58807 chrUn_JH620520 57992 chrUn_JH620553 56877 chr1_AABR06109393_random 52834 chr18_JH620420_random 51685 chr9_JH620364_random 51490 chrX_JH620445_random 49212 chrUn_JH620623 47760 chr10_JH620371_random 44089 I have looked into this error for a while and still can't figure it out. Any idea or suggestions are very appreciated. Thank you very much. Best regards, Shu-Yi